BLK – The Raw Materials and Commodity Marketplace

Source cheaper, global, direct.

BLK was born as the digital marketplace dedicated to commodities and raw materials.

It was born from the awareness that the digitalization of commodity trading is not a question of if, but of when.

It was born to allow anyone, regardless of the size of their company, to buy directly from producers, wherever they are, paying the real value of the goods, thanks to a transparent and digital market.

Our mission is to allow anyone to purchase the raw materials they need for their business, with a simple click. It is inevitable, we saw it happen in the late 1990s with the disruption of retail at the hands of those who are now e-commerce giants.

It will happen again, for B2B purchases. It is already happening. BLK is its driving force.


Buy raw materials for your business from the comfort of your home

The platform that allows anyone to buy securely, in a few simple clicks. It allows you to find local and global suppliers, compare prices, specifications, delivery terms. And to buy as today we are all used to doing, online, from the comfort of home.

Thanks to the automatic invoicing and order generation as well as integrated accounting, today BLK saves 1000s man hours per year in administration tasks.

Micro and small businesses, the target market of our marketplace, have halved their procurement costs (on average a reduction from 40% to 60%). is the home of over $1B worth of trade, and active across 7 main categories.

  1. Agricultural
  2. Chemicals
  3. Energy
  4. Construction
  5. Main Bulks
  6. Industrial
  7. Metals

Our Marketplace division has been growing on a quarterly rate of 270%+ and, to date, suppliers on our marketplace trade $332M-worth of chemical commodities; $242M of metal products (including grade A steel, stainless steel and high-strength alloys); $238M of Agriculturalgoods and $219M of energy products. Find out more about our marketplace’s key indicators here.

Supply Chain

blk supply chain
Outsource your supply chain. Reduce fixed costs. Cut variable costs.

At BLK we put at your disposal our expertise in supply chain management, international negotiations and project management to make our partners’ operations leaner, more effective and more profitable.

We pool the volume of multiple businesses with that of buyers across the UK and Italy, using the aggregated purchasing power to negotiate better deals with suppliers globally.

We scout, vet and negotiate directly with manufacturers on behalf of our partners, organizing logistics and providing a complete supply chain management solution to keep fixed costs as lean as possible, whilst reducing variable costs.

In this case, we address corporate and medium-sized enterprises, helping them to streamline their procurement processes, automate order generation, invoicing and reporting, with the aim of increasing their competitiveness on foreign markets.


Reduce the environmental impact of your supply chain and earn with carbon credits.

We help our partners reduce their environmental impact by purchasing from local suppliers or by aggregating volume with that of other companies. In addition, we organize logistics in the most environmentally friendly way possible, reducing the overall emissions of our customers’ supply chain.

Companies that rely on us can also earn from this emission cut: their lower environmental impact is rewarded with Carbon Credits, which can be exchanged on the European Environmental Exchange.

With BLK, going green means generating a whole new revenue stream!


BLK Rate
Quality – Cost – Service Delivery are the foundations of our criteria

BLK developed a proprietary (patent pending) rating system to assess the key metrics of our customers and suppliers.

Quality – Cost – Service Delivery are the foundations of our criteria.

We help companies understand their positioning in the market based on these three areas and support them in improving their positioning through a detailed guide that translates into operational and actionable advice.

In addition, our rating provides further confirmation of the standing of suppliers, allowing those who buy to base their decisions on relevant parameters and on the awareness of having available commercial partners previously evaluated with a thorough level of scrutiny which goes beyond the mere financial report.

Investor Relations

Headquartered in Glasgow, BLK has been selected as one of the UK’s top 30 tech start-ups.

After a seed round concluded in January 2021, we are supported by Italy’s #1 accelerator and one of Europe’s top venture builders: Enry’s Island. We have a 10-strong team distributed between the UK, Italy and the United Arab Emirates.


Led by founders from shipping, commodity trading, project management and banking, the BLK team is structured in four units: Product, Market, Fundraising and Corporate, each in charge of specific tasks and well positioned to support BLK’s rapid growth.

Product: designers and developers

Market: one-to-one sales, one-to-many sales and digital PR

Fundraising: investor relations

Corporate: HR, legal, supply chain

Discover More

To learn more about how we could build a strategic partnership, both industrial and fundraising, contact:

Gabriele Dadò – Founder & CEO +44 7757630638

How BLK Assesses Service Delivery

Beyond common background checks


Here’s how we specifically assess “Service Delivery”. 

A background check must go beyond the mere credit report, which is readily available for the vast majority of the business anyway and does not give a true reflection on the actual operational profile of a company.

Standard credit reports fall very short of evaluating a business’ quality, its positioning in relation to cost and, most importantly, service delivery.

For this reason, BLK has developed a proprietary evaluation method, currently used as a reference standard within the commodity trading and chemical manufacturing industries and validated on hundreds of clients already.

The BLK Rating, which covers in detail not only financials but Quality, Cost and Service Delivery, with a deep scrutiny on companies’ environmental footprint as well, paints a comprehensive picture of a business’ real position and capabilities.

In this article, we’ll look specifically at how BLK assesses Service Delivery to build the overall company rating.

Service Delivery is a mix of multiple factors. It’s not merely “how well did a supplier do on this specific order”. It’s about a business’ overall approach to continual improvement and it translates into how to operationally fulfil orders as swiftly, efficiently and effectively as possible.

1. Number of Warehouses / Plants

The number of plants and warehouses gives an indication on the scale of a business operations and on its capacity to promptly serve customers in a specific geographic area.

A high number of plants means high output capacity and high number of warehouses is likely to signify prompt stock availability and quick order dispatch upon reception of orders.

2. Average Lead Time

Yet, scale alone is not a good indicator of “how well a company performs” or “how well does it fulfil its contractual obligations”. On the contrary, scale can oftentimes be detrimental, with more level of approvals, more bureaucracy and less flexible organisational structure that slows down the whole process.

Most large corporates suffer from this disease and it is therefore critical to assess a company’s actual lead time from order reception to dispatch in order to have clear visibility of its fulfilment efficiency.

BLK looks at the track record of company lead times, from order reception to delivery EXW in order to properly quantify “how well” it performs and how quickly it can get orders ready for customers.

3. Production Capacity

Usually in direct correlation with the company size and number of warehouses, the production capacity is a good indicator of the ability to quickly fulfil an order.

High production capacity means likely high levels of stock which, in turn, impacts positively on the lead time and translates into ready availability of the goods.

4. Own Delivery Network

The direct ownership of a fleet of vessels, them being ships, trucks, vans or aeroplanes, generally means direct control over their logistic operations and streamlined decision making. It means ready availability of the vessel, direct control and quicker fulfilment.

Although not applicable for small quantities, where companies often times rely on third-party freight forwarders, the above is true specifically for large volumes.

Having a vessel under direct ownership or bareboat charter means no lag time spent waiting on the owner’s availability, negotiating charter rates, appointing agents etc.

Not only that; direct ownership of a delivery network also means cheaper transport costs and better value for the end customer.

5. After-sales / Customer Service Department

Having a dedicated after sales team and a full time, in-house customer service department directly translates into a more inclusive client journey, better customer care and overall improved experience.

It is massively important to have someone human at the other end of the phone to pick-up enquiries, deliver updates on a shipment and, in general, develop those one to one connections that are essential in the development of any business relationship.

6. Reviews: Customer Service

After every order, buyers on BLK can review n0t only the product, but the seller. In particular, they are asked to assign a star value (from 1 to 5) for various different performance areas, one of these being “Customer Service”.

The overall BLK Rating Score for a supplier is computed, among other things, on the basis of that supplier’s score in relation to Customer Service.

7. Reviews: Communication

Just like Customer Service, buyers can review specifically the “Communication” bit when leaving feedback to a seller.

This mark gets factored into the overall rating and used to paint a comprehensive picture of a company’s Service Delivery performance.


There you have it: QUALITYCOSTSERVICE DELIVERY are the foundation of our criteria.

Do you want to get a free assessment of your company to understand how you position in respect to Quality, Cost, Service Delivery and how you stack-up against your direct competitors?

Contact us!

BLK Shipping – Shipping Rates Updates


Welcome to BLK Shipping, our regular update from the shipping market. In this issue, we’ll be covering:

  • Wet Cargo
  • Dry Cargo
  • Containers
  • Gas

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Wet Cargo

The increasing price of crude oil has been driving the tankers’ charter rates up throughout July, although this has now slowed down and we are seeing a further downward trend in rates.

VLCC – Very Large Crude Carriers remained pretty much stable. Although we’re still unbelievably far from 2019 levels, we can now see positive signs of pick-up. Outlook: Stable

Suezmax – rates remained still, apart for a few routes where we saw a near 100% growth. As the oil price stabilises, we expect that the vessel charter rates will go with it. Outlook: Stable

Aframax – afra rates more lost ground, with a general weakening across most routes. Outlook: Stable

Dirty Products – Relatively busy in the Mediterranean, whilst supply and demand remaining weak in all other regions. Outlook: Stable.

Clean Products – Charter rates weakened across the board with some routes losing over 70% WoW.. Outlook: Stable 

MR – uptake in demand did not have the expected positive effects on MR rates, owing to the oversupply of carrying capacity in the market. Outlook: Stable

LR1 demand for log-range tankers fell in the last few weeks. Outlook: Stable

LR2 Good rally for LR2 tankers, up to 20% surge in a week. Outlook: Positive

Handy Handy earnings bounced back up above $7000/day and it looks like the beginning of a positive performance. Outlook: Stable

Dirty Panamax – Rates continued softening very slightly on all routes, with a general 1% – 5% drop since last week. Outlook: Stable

Dry Cargo

Slow-down on most routes and across all segments, although bulkers remain pretty strong compared to 2019 and 2020 performance. 

Capesize – Capes declined between 5 to 20%, having broken through the $40k/day for the first time in years and now travelling on $41k+/day for scrubber-fitted vessels. Outlook: Stable

Panamax  – Still another good week for the panamaxes, although slightly in decline compared to the last week of August. Outlook: Stable

Supramax – Supramaxes lost ground in recent days, after climbing steadily over the course of 2021. The second half of August and early September  saw a reduction of 4-7% to settle on an average of $35k/day Outlook: Stable

Handysize – the biggest fluctuations happened within the Handy market. Still high after a strong July-August rally, now it fell slightly to $32k+/day mark. Outlook: Stable


Container rates seem unstoppable, with 4400 TEU vessels now nearing the $100k/day mark themselves. Neo-panamax vessels are now close to the $145k/day mark, with a significant impact on the economy of most western countries coming out of the pandemic.

On the raw materials side, however, and especially in chemical commodities, the high freight rates (now looking upwards of $20,000 per TEU on the route China – Europe) now impact prices of goods to the extent that it is equivalent or cheaper to source from European suppliers.

We expect to see a continual decrease in smaller-batches shipments westbound from Asia to Europe, hopefully accompanied by a subsequent easing of the TEU rates towards the end of the year.

Outlook: Positive


Rates for Gas Carriers remained declined slightly, with the biggest hit suffered by for large carriers 145,000 m3 and above. Pressurized and semi-pressurized vessel rates remained constant.

This was expected as plenty of tonnage was tied-up in dock for ballast water treatment systems installation and is now slowly coming back into the market, increasing overall supply. Outlook: Stable

To learn more about how we can support your business shipping as cheaply and environmentally-friendly as possible, visit us at BLK. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with our weekly shipping updates.