4 Things To Remember When Looking for a Steel Supplier – What to Know

Looking for a supplier of steel for your business is more complicated than simply choosing the one with the lowest rates. For businesses in the construction or machine manufacturing industries, steel is one of the most important building blocks of the business. Searching for a isn’t merely finding vendor, it’s a commitment to partnership.

When looking for a steel supplier to partner with, price, although definitely important, should not be the determining factor. Looking a bit into their business ethic and resulting work output should be a major part of the process—as you will be working with them for quite some time.

To help you pick out the best suppliers, here are four major things to remember when picking out a steel supplier for your business.

A reasonable amount of experience

Just like when you’re looking for a good employee, having some background on the job is a definite must for highly essential roles—and a steel supplier is definitely essential. One of the most basic things to look out for is how long they’ve been in the business, as a business that has been in the market for quite a while should have enough experience to keep themselves afloat. 

Aside from this, a look into their previous and current customers would prove to be highly informative. If they have long-standing clients, then it would usually point to good-quality output from their end. Steel suppliers that come highly recommended and come with good reviews are good choices for a partner.

A commitment to their service and expertise

To reiterate, your steel supplier will be as close to a partner as a supplier gets—without their materials, your business will find itself in a tough spot. As such, ensuring they have the commitment to delivering results on-time and with full accountability is mandatory.

A partnership banks on trust and reliability, so if they give you a timetable, then they should follow-through. If they can’t deliver on-time or deliver poor quality results, then they aren’t worth your time and money.

An open mind and the flexibility to keep up with it

Handling repeat orders of basic materials is a basic requirement, but they should also be capable of catering to the more highly specific needs of your business. Steel suppliers don’t just chuck raw materials your way, they perform a lot of prepping to give you the needed output. 

As such, a service that can handle changes to your order is a big bonus for your business. A steel supplier that can provide a multitude of options and additional services is a gem to keep around.

An accomodating customer service support

No matter how good they are at their job or how long you’ve partnered with them, they should still be able to provide good customer service support for you. Beyond mere reliability in delivery times and product output, they should be able to communicate with you properly.

A steel supplier that has dedicated account managers to cater to your questions and needs will go a long way in cementing your partnership. Reliable suppliers should be able to at least be ready to take in your complaints, should there be any, and resolve any issues without it affecting your business.


Finding a steel supplier for your job is a task that you should give more thought to, as their output is a large determinant in your success. By keeping in mind these simple tips, your supplier-finding shouldn’t be too difficult, allowing you to get the one best fit for your business.

Looking for a commodity marketplace that has a number of steel suppliers for your perusal? Connect with us today, we have a number of building material suppliers and other raw materials all available for contact.

4 Practical Tips in Selecting a Reputable Timber Supplier – Our Guide

Today’s market has seen the growth of many new ranges of wood types. Whether it’s for a home renovation or woodworking project, you have to ensure that you get quality raw materials so that you can produce the best possible products. If you need to get the best wood for your next project, then you should be dealing with a timber supplier. As there are a handful of timber suppliers probably in your area, you must be wary of choosing the right one for your wood-related project.

In this article, we will give you a quick rundown of four practical factors to consider when looking for a timber supplier:

1. Growing Location

The location plays a crucial role in the growth of trees for timber production. Know that timber suppliers typically have different areas to mass-produce their woods, and each site has various ways of growing trees and proliferating woods. The growing location then determines the type of wood your supplier will deliver to you. For this reason, you have to ask where the supplier sources out the wood and check to see the conditions of the growing location. 

2. Types of Timber

Although there are a variety of woods produced by timber suppliers, there are only two main types of timber — hardwood, and softwood. Generally, hardwood comes from a deciduous tree, while softwood comes from a conifer. Furthermore, hardwood is regarded as a quality timber when compared to softwood. If you use hardwood for furniture, it will not only be more durable, but it will also look classy and expensive. For this reason, know the type of wood a supplier is providing before taking the plunge.

3. Timber Characteristics

Aside from the main types of wood, you need to get into the specific characteristics of timbers. Consider the typical wood attributes, such as hardness, strength, toughness, and stiffness, among others. Factor in as well the size, weight, and thickness of the wood. So, when you’re buying, it’s important to carry some tools with you and measure the woods you plan to purchase and see whether or not a particular wood is suitable for the wood project you hope to pursue.

4. Supplier Reputation

There are probably a handful of suppliers in your locality. When looking for one, it’s important to check the reputation of the supplier before working with them. If you get some recommendations from friends or colleagues, you can also ask about the quality of products that the supplier provides. If you’re checking online for prospects, make sure to see online reviews or feedback about the timber supplier from former clients. Furthermore, ask some references from your potential suppliers to check their reputation so that you’ll be able to decide on the best fit for your timber needs.


Your chosen timber supplier can make a difference in your wood project. That is why, when looking for one, consider the supplier’s location, types of wood being supplied, the characteristics of the wood types, and the supplier’s overall reputation. Ultimately, the right timber supplier will provide you with the best wood materials that can bring out the best in your woodworking project.

We specialise in online commodities, raw materials, and industrial supplies. If you’re looking for a timber supplier in the UK, get in touch with us today to see how we can help!

A Simple Guide to Choosing the Best Industrial Partner – What to Know

In the industry of manufacturing, the process of sourcing pertains to the search of a supplier that will aid you in meeting your firm’s goals and objectives. These are often measured in terms of quality, costs, and deadlines, regardless of nature – be it a building materials supplier or even a tea and coffee supplier. Unfortunately, given the rapid landscape of production needs and their evolutions, finding the right industrial partner at the right time can be an issue. 

The process is easier said than done; after all, how do you find the best suppliers? This simple guide will address that question with a simple lesson on the sourcing processes. Let’s begin!

The sourcing in four steps

In the industrial production field, sourcing pertains to finding suppliers who meet the challenges of costs, quality, and deadlines encountered by most firms. To successfully execute sourcing, strategies must be put into place. Here are some of the realities and steps it encompasses:

  • Step 1: The establishment of its panel – This pertains to the identification and qualification of suppliers who are best suited for the requirements.
  • Step 2: RFQ (Request For Quotation) consultation – This is where a request is relayed, and the analysis of responses ensues.
  • Step 3: The appointment of the supplier – This is where the choice for the best suitable supplier is finalised.
  • Step 4: Relationship with the supplier – This encompasses information sharing and circulation, along with QCD and production management, among others.

How to successfully identify the best industrial partners

As mentioned, your strategy is the cornerstone of every aspect of your sourcing process. Even with the four-step process at hand, choosing the best industrial supplier calls for well-informed decisions. Here are some steps to know your business contact even better:

 1.  Identify your goals

Based on the state of your industry, does your organisation need to adapt to standards? Is there a need for the implementation of new production methods in terms of sustainability and other strategies? These are challenges your firm may be facing, and identifying your goals that surround those issues is necessary. Should you wish to find the right industrial partner, identifying what you need is imperative.

2. Match the supply and demand and examine their businesses expertise

As you ponder on potential candidates, carefully consider the details of the products they wish to offer. From there, examine whether or not they match your internal needs. Moreover, understand that there is a risk involving supplier searches. For one, their credibility and business expertise remain unknown. Nevertheless, there is a way to reassure your needs and lower the risk: obtain certifications (ISO certifications). This creates a foundation for trust, which can be further built through word of mouth affirmations and reviews.

3. How well do they communicate with you?

As the need for suppliers grows ever more demanding, clients continue to look for new ways to communicate with providers. That said, technical support and customer service should be crucial to your decision-making process. Liaising and closing deals is one matter, but their approachability and accessibility say quite another, more so than any costs.


While a simple guide, the rational elements that will help you make well-informed decisions are present. As you course through your list of potential suppliers, remember that there are more than costs at play – your goals, for instance, play a critical role in finding the most suitable partner. What they offer and how they manage their communication also matter, as these assure you of their credibility and security. Although it entails much work, finding the right supplier will surely send your business operations growing into new heights.

Are you looking to deal with an online spot marketplace in the UK? Get in touch with us today to see how we can help!

A Simple Guide to the Spot Market for Bulk Ingredients

If you’ve gotten yourself acquainted with a commodity marketplace, you might’ve heard of the term “spot market.” Most likely, you’ll have heard of this when also hearing about commodity purchases. Well, what is the spot market? The “spot market” is a term that relates to the commodity marketplace and is pointed at the price at which you, or anyone else, purchases a certain commodity.

That said, if you’ve never dealt with bulk commodities like oil, chances are you’ve never heard this term before. However, we’ve put together a simple guide to let you know the basics on spot markets in the commodity marketplace. But before we start on that, let’s talk about commodities first:

What’s a commodity?

Commodities are the items you buy and sell in a commodity marketplace. It can range from products like soybeans and corn, all the way to other, more essential products like fuel and oil.

In these markets, there are a few ways you can purchase the items at specific prices. First, you’re given the ability to use forward contracts. Forward contracts allow you to agree on a set price to be paid in the future for a certain number of items, no matter the actual cost of what you’re buying. This is useful in many scenarios, such as oil buying. If you’re purchasing a set amount of fuel to last the next year, you can set a certain amount and pay a certain price, meaning that you’ll get what you pay for, no matter if the value of oil rises or falls. 

However, there are situations in which you might need to buy extra fuel because you didn’t buy enough. This leads us to the second way to purchase the commodity, which is to buy it on the spot market.

What is buying on the spot market?

Simply put, buying on the spot market means that you’re purchasing according to today’s price. For example, imagine you’ve set a future contract for fuel at $10 per barrel. Unfortunately, you find yourself needing more fuel a few months later, but the price of a barrel is now $12. While you’re still receiving the $10 barrels you’ve paid for, any extra fuel you buy will be charged at $12 or whatever the price is on that specific day.

While this happens occasionally in commodity markets, it is more common in spot commodity markets in which people like you can quickly purchase small amounts of raw ingredients to ensure that you have enough supplies of a certain material to keep your business running.

Spot markets versus forward contracts

So, what’s the difference between spot markets and forward contracts? Well, while we’ve pointed out that forward contracts are geared more towards future purchases, spot market commodities are purchased, well, on the spot. Additionally, spot market prices are generally much higher because when you find yourself needing more fuel, chances are other people also need it, putting the commodity in high demand.

Remember, though, that spot market prices aren’t always higher. It just means that the amount of the raw material you’re going to purchase is set at a specific price for that day.


If you find yourself dealing with the term “spot market,” you now know exactly what it means. Not only that, but now you know how to get yourself more of a specific raw material if you find that your future contract isn’t providing enough to ensure that your business is still in production.

Are you looking to deal with an online spot commodity marketplace in the UK? Get in touch with us to see how we can help.