The Importance of Building Relationships with Suppliers

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Business owners deal a lot with their suppliers. Suppliers are a part of a business’s success, which is why it’s essential to establish good relationships with them. When you find reliable suppliers, you need to take care of them. 

But first, let’s talk about how suppliers impact your business. 

Suppliers Impact the Quality of Your Products or Services

Whether it’s a machine part, a basketful of ingredients, or a sack of garments, what your supplier brings to you will have a considerable effect on the quality of your products and services. Therefore, you need to seek a reliable supplier. 

Suppliers Affect Your Timeliness

If a supplier fails to deliver on time, it would have a domino effect on your business operations. You will be late on your deliveries as well. A supplier that provides a quick turnaround is one of the primary keys to minimise your inventory and to ensure that your clients’ needs are met on time. 

Suppliers Can Contribute to Your Product Developments

Are you developing a new product? Whatever product idea you may have, your suppliers have a significant contribution to it. 

These are some of the reasons suppliers play a significant role in businesses today. That is why you need to take the time and effort to build good relationships with your suppliers because they will be working alongside you.

Fostering Good Relationships With Suppliers

Here are some tips to help you cultivate good relationships with your suppliers: 

  • Talk to them

If you only talk to your suppliers regarding business, then it’s time to change that. You need to reach out to your suppliers even if there’s no business involved. A simple “How are you?” or sending them some delicious pastries can go a long way relationship-wise. 

  • View them as partners

Business owners tend to look at suppliers as vendors, which sets a perspective that hinders a potential relationship. It helps to consider suppliers as partners that you work with, as this mindset will help you optimise relationships.

  • Share product forecasts with vendors

There are times when businesses fail to share their product forecasts with their suppliers. It then leaves suppliers in the dark. By sharing your product forecasts with your suppliers, you both get on the same page when it comes to the volume of commodities that you need over the next phase. 

  • Always be honest

Honesty can do wonders for your relationships with suppliers. Should something go wrong, a business should easily reach out to the supplier and explain the situation. For example, if the quality of the merchandise is lower than expected, a business owner should not sweep this issue under the rug. They need to be upfront about it to their supplier. 


Suppliers play a significant role in your business operations, so make sure not to neglect them. Strive to find the best suppliers in your industry, and once you do, keep them by working on building good relationships for the long term. 

If you’re looking for suitable suppliers for your commodities, it’s easy to find one today, thanks to the wonders of the internet. Check out BLK Global today.