4 Practical Tips in Selecting a Reputable Timber Supplier – Our Guide


Today’s market has seen the growth of many new ranges of wood types. Whether it’s for a home renovation or woodworking project, you have to ensure that you get quality raw materials so that you can produce the best possible products. If you need to get the best wood for your next project, then you should be dealing with a timber supplier. As there are a handful of timber suppliers probably in your area, you must be wary of choosing the right one for your wood-related project.

In this article, we will give you a quick rundown of four practical factors to consider when looking for a timber supplier:

1. Growing Location

The location plays a crucial role in the growth of trees for timber production. Know that timber suppliers typically have different areas to mass-produce their woods, and each site has various ways of growing trees and proliferating woods. The growing location then determines the type of wood your supplier will deliver to you. For this reason, you have to ask where the supplier sources out the wood and check to see the conditions of the growing location. 

2. Types of Timber

Although there are a variety of woods produced by timber suppliers, there are only two main types of timber — hardwood, and softwood. Generally, hardwood comes from a deciduous tree, while softwood comes from a conifer. Furthermore, hardwood is regarded as a quality timber when compared to softwood. If you use hardwood for furniture, it will not only be more durable, but it will also look classy and expensive. For this reason, know the type of wood a supplier is providing before taking the plunge.

3. Timber Characteristics

Aside from the main types of wood, you need to get into the specific characteristics of timbers. Consider the typical wood attributes, such as hardness, strength, toughness, and stiffness, among others. Factor in as well the size, weight, and thickness of the wood. So, when you’re buying, it’s important to carry some tools with you and measure the woods you plan to purchase and see whether or not a particular wood is suitable for the wood project you hope to pursue.

4. Supplier Reputation

There are probably a handful of suppliers in your locality. When looking for one, it’s important to check the reputation of the supplier before working with them. If you get some recommendations from friends or colleagues, you can also ask about the quality of products that the supplier provides. If you’re checking online for prospects, make sure to see online reviews or feedback about the timber supplier from former clients. Furthermore, ask some references from your potential suppliers to check their reputation so that you’ll be able to decide on the best fit for your timber needs.


Your chosen timber supplier can make a difference in your wood project. That is why, when looking for one, consider the supplier’s location, types of wood being supplied, the characteristics of the wood types, and the supplier’s overall reputation. Ultimately, the right timber supplier will provide you with the best wood materials that can bring out the best in your woodworking project.

We specialise in online commodities, raw materials, and industrial supplies. If you’re looking for a timber supplier in the UK, get in touch with us today to see how we can help!