The Reasons Behind a Commodity & Raw Materials Marketplace

BLK is the first dedicated commodity & raw materials marketplace. In today’s world, raw materials are still traded the old fashioned way: huge trading floors, calls, emails.

But people want to buy from people. And digitalisation is coming. So we brought commodity trading online for everyone to buy directly from producers.

What you need to know

  • The world’s raw materials consumption is over 9B tons per year. That’s over $4.5 trillion;
  • Commodities are produced mostly by small businesses, and their price inflates x 10 by the time you or I can purchase them, without much value being added;
  • The shipping costs for commodities amounts to a negligible fraction of their value: between 1 and 2 cents per ton per day;
  • 99%+ of businesses in the UK and Europe are small businesses;
  • 75%  of UK businesses are one-men companies;
  • By buying from producers directly you can save on average 2.5 times what you’re currently paying.

The world’s economy is heavily reliant on raw materials.

Every year, the world consumes over 9 billion tons of raw materials, over $4.5 trillion-worth of trade. 

The energy we consume, the goods we use, the food we eat. It is the fruit of the collective labour of millions all over the world. Farmers, miners, growers. Small businesses, invisible players scattered across the globe, feeding supply chains with ores, grain, coal, fuel, rice, animal feeds.

Through many stakeholders in the supply chains, raw materials pass from hand to hand, their price inflating at every stage, as everyone takes their own cut. 

Before you or I can purchase them, raw materials’ price has increased by a tenfold. And yet they’re still the same. No value has been added – apart from transportation, which really accounts for a tiny fraction of commodities’ value.

Just to give you an idea, the cost of shipping crude oil is 2 cents of a dollar per ton per day. Shipping dry commodities costs just over 1 cent per ton per day.

Over 99% of businesses in the UK are small and medium-sized. That’s the very backbone of our economy. Looking at the rest of Europe, the situation doesn’t change. Italy, France, Spain, Poland, Germany; over 26 million companies. Indeed, in the UK alone, 75% of the businesses are one-man companies. People like us.

People buy from people. People buy from people they trust. That’s precisely why BLK exists. To let people buy from people, cheaper, global, direct.

Current Supply Chains Status

Wherever they are in the world, producers of raw materials are contracted to sell their produce to third-party, generally trading houses, which mass the output of thousands of individual producers to then ship it over via exporters/importers to major hubs where the goods are then broken down into smaller parcels and delivered by road or rail to larger manufacturers or distributors. These, in turn, repackage the goods and made them available for wholesale.

BLK is the first dedicated commodity & raw materials marketplace.
Supply chain for raw materials. The price increases x1o before you or I can purchase them.

At this point, the same kg of cashew nuts that the farmer in West Africa sold for under 50 cents, costs you £20. That’s 5500% increase. And yet, these are the same cashews that left the farm in Africa 3 weeks before.

The Internet as the Great Equaliser

Let’s look back at what happened in 1994. An American entrepreneur starts selling books out of his garage. Yet he doesn’t have a single book in store. People go online and buy the books, the orders are passed on to the libraries and shortly after the readers receive their purchase home. It was the advent of non-inventory marketplaces.

Fast forward to 2021. Over 2B people buy online. That’s over 80% of the people with an internet connection. In fact, it would be unthinkable today not being able to buy something online. Shopping from the comfort of our own homes has become the norm for most of us and the same way we buy a new laptop while sipping a coffee over the kitchen counter, scrolling on our phone, soon we will be buying online for our businesses.

COVID-19 has forced even the elderly to become more tech-savvy than they ever were or would have been and with millennials entering senior management positions into the job market, we’re seeing this trend increasing on a daily basis.

With the internet, the small organic cosmetics manufacturer out of Manchester can buy Shea Butter directly from the farmer in Togo. The former saves thousands of pounds in procurement costs – paying only $2000/ton instead of $9000 – the latter makes a much higher profit by selling to the final user directly.

Thanks to the internet, to digitalization, we can now reach across distances and language barriers, doing what was never possible before. 

The Social Impact

Up until today, it was mostly about the many supporting the few. But with the internet we’re seeing a real shift

If all businesses were to buy directly from the producers using a marketplace we would see a total re-distribution of the world’s wealth, away from the few and back to the many, away from the larger corporations and directly into the pockets of those who work the land and work their craft day in and day out. 

It would contribute to create millions of new jobs, reduce poverty and vastly improve the living conditions for entire nations, reducing unemployment and supporting local communities.

The Environmental Impact

Quantifying the environmental may be difficult but we can try to run a quick calculation.

The UK imports over £200B per year of raw materials. A lot of these could be sourced locally, without the need for long sea journeys from across the globe. If just 1% of UK  businesses were to source raw materials locally, this would contribute to a reduction of 2 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, whilst creating 14,000 jobs and adding £2.6B to the British economy.

A Real-life Story

BLK’s first order was made by a family-owned business that produces natural cosmetics with organic ingredients. Since then, they have been purchasing key ingredients for their cosmetics 2.5 times cheaper on average, delivered to their door directly.

To Summarize

  • The world consumes over 9B tons of raw materials per year. That’s over $4.5 trillion-worth of trade;
  • Most commodities are produced by small businesses, and their price inflates x 10 by the time you or I can purchase them, without much value being added;
  • The shipping costs for commodities amounts to a negligible fraction of their value: between 1 and 2 cents per ton per day;
  • You could save between 40 to 60% on average by buying online through BLK;
  • You could be selling directly to thousands of new customers, with higher profit margins, supporting local communities and reducing their overall carbon footprint.

Key Reasons to Buy/Sell on BLK

  • Automated purchase order generation, invoicing and integrated accountingsaving you over 1000 man-hours per year;
  • Find, benchmark and buy securely from a pool of vetted suppliers, saving between 40 to 60% on average on your procurement costs;
  • 100% money-back guarantee;
  • Secure: pre-vetted suppliers only;
  • Find new customers and sell directly, without intermediaries, with improved margins;
  • Quality, Cost, Service Delivery. Pick suppliers on the basis of what really matters to you;
  • Reduce your carbon footprint and earn with carbon trading;
  • It’s 100% free.

Contact us to find out more!

BLK – Il Marketplace di Materie Prime e Commodity

Chi Siamo

BLK nasce come il marketplace digitale dedicato alle commodity e alle materie prime.

Nasce dalla consapevolezza che la digitalizzazione del trading di commodity non è questione di se, ma di quando.

Nasce per consentire a chiunque, a prescindere dalle dimensioni della propria azienda, di comprare direttamente dai produttori, ovunque essi siano, pagando il valore reale delle merci, grazie ad un mercato trasparente e digitale.

La nostra mission è quella di consentire a chiunque di acquistare le materie prime necessarie al proprio business, con un semplice click. È  inevitabile, lo abbiamo visto accadere a fine anni ‘90 con lo stravolgimento della vendita al dettaglio per mano di quelli che ora sono giganti dell’e-commerce.

Accadrà di nuovo, per gli acquisti B2B. Sta già accadendo. BLK ne è la forza motrice.


Acquista le materie prime per il tuo business comodamente da casa

La piattaforma che consente a chiunque di acquistare in sicurezza, in pochi semplici click. Permette di trovare fornitori locali e globali, di comparare prezzi, specifiche, termini di consegna. E di comprare come oggi siamo tutti abituati a fare, online, comodamente da casa.

Grazie alla generazione automatica di ordini e fatture e alla contabilità integrata, oggi BLK fa risparmiare in media 1000 ore uomo all’anno in mansioni di amministrazione.

Le micro e piccole imprese, mercato target del nostro marketplace, hanno dimezzato i loro costi di procurement (in media una riduzione dal 40% al 60%).

Supply Chain

Esternalizza la tua supply chain. Riduci i costi fissi. Taglia i costi variabili.

In BLK mettiamo a disposizione le nostre competenze in supply chain management, negoziazione internazionale e project management per rendere le operazioni dei nostri partner più snelle, efficaci e redditizie.

Aggreghiamo il volume di molteplici aziende con quello di acquirenti in tutto il Regno Unito e in Italia, utilizzando il maggior potere di acquisto per negoziare accordi migliori con i fornitori a livello globale.

Ricerchiamo, verifichiamo e negoziamo direttamente con i produttori in vece dei nostri partner, organizzando la logistica e fornendo una soluzione completa di gestione di supply chain per mantenere più snelli possibile costi fissi, riducendo al contempo i costi variabili.

Ci rivolgiamo, in questo caso, a corporate e medie imprese, aiutandole ad efficientare i loro processi di procurement, automatizzare generazione ordini, fatturazione e reportistica, con l’obiettivo di aumentare la loro competitività sui mercati esteri.


Riduci l’impatto ambientale della tua supply chain e guadagna con i carbon credits.

Aiutiamo i nostri partner a ridurre l’impatto ambientale acquistando da fornitori locali o aggregando volume con quello di altre aziende. Inoltre, organizziamo la logistica nel modo più ecologico possibile, riducendo le emissioni complessive della supply chain dei nostri clienti.

Le aziende che si affidano a noi possono anche guadagnare da questo taglio delle emissioni: il loro minor impatto ambientale viene premiato con dei Carbon Credits, scambiabili sulla Borsa Ambientale Europea.

Con BLK, diventare “green” significa generare un flusso di entrate completamente nuovo!


QualitàCostoServizio sono le fondamenta del nostro criterio.

BLK ha sviluppato un sistema di rating proprietario (in attesa di brevetto) per valutare i parametri chiave dei nostri clienti e fornitori.

QualitàCostoServizio sono le fondamenta del nostro criterio.

Aiutiamo le imprese a comprendere il loro posizionamento nel mercato in base a queste tre aree e le supportiamo nel miglioramento del loro positioning tramite una guida dettagliata che si traduce in consigli operativi e attuabili.

Inoltre, il nostro rating fornisce un’ulteriore conferma dello standing dei fornitori, consentendo a chi acquista di basare le proprie decisioni su parametri rilevanti e sulla consapevolezza di di avere a disposizione partner commerciali previamente valutati in modo approfondito.

Investor Relations

Con sede operativa a Glasgow, BLK è stata selezionata come una delle top 30 tech start-up del Regno Unito.

Dopo un seed round concluso a gennaio 2021, siamo supportati da uno dei migliori acceleratori in italia, Enry’s Island, e contiamo di un team distribuito tra UK, Italia ed Emirati Arabi.


Guidato da founders provenienti da shipping, commodity trading, project management e banking, il team BLK è strutturato in quattro unit: Prodotto, Mercato, Fundraising e Corporate, ciascuno preposto a specifiche mansioni e ben posizionato per supportare la rapida crescita di BLK.

Prodotto: designer e sviluppatori

Mercato: vendite one-to-one, vendite one-to-many e digital PR

Fundraising: investor relations

Corporate: HR, legal, supply chain 

Discover More

Per approfondire come potremmo costruire una partnership strategica sia industriale che in chiave fundraising, contattare: Gabriele Dadò – Founder & CEO +44 7757630638