3 Essential Tips for Choosing the Right Coffee Supplier – Our Guide

Are you planning to open a restaurant or a coffee shop? Or do you already have an existing one, and you are thinking of changing your coffee supplier? Offering the right kind of coffee to your customers is extremely important in keeping your business afloat. So what can you do to make sure you stand out from your competitors? Choose the right coffee supplier who can deliver the utmost results and help you materialize your business goals.

In a coffee shop business, not only would you want to have the best coffee, you would want a coffee supplier who is reliable and exceeds your expectations as well. They may have the best quality coffee, but if they can’t deliver on time, it could be pretty useless working with them.

When choosing the right coffee supplier for your needs, there are so many things you need to consider. Determining the perfect choice who can deliver as they promised is highly essential. Here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing the right coffee supplier for your business:

Know your coffee requirements

With so many coffee suppliers in the market, finding a good source can be challenging. You would want a coffee supplier that you can build a lasting relationship with. Knowing what you need and want in your coffee is important. 

Most coffee roasters will have a huge list of coffee blends and single origins, which are normally roasted differently. Being able to work hand-in-hand with a coffee supplier who understands your needs and gets your cupped profile that fits your customer’s requirements is one important factor. A good coffee roasted can give you a comprehensive recommendation on what to look for in a coffee blend. They will also work with you until you achieved your goals and hit the mark.

Ask for samples from potential suppliers

A good coffee supplier who takes pride in their products will not hesitate to offer samples. The true nature of a good-quality coffee can only be determined from the cup it produces. Judging a coffee based on their logos, prices, and brands is not a great way to choose a coffee supplier. It is only through sampling that you will be able to achieve the requirements you are looking for in a coffee. 

Never hesitate to ask for samples from various suppliers. Truth be told, most of the coffee suppliers will even invite you to their warehouse to let you sample their various blends and experience first-hand how their roasting facilities work. Some suppliers will send packages for you to try.

Go for local

While it may not always be feasible, going local can be the most practical course of action when choosing the right coffee supplier for your business. Look at it from a long-term perspective of building a lasting business relationship. Choosing a local supplier gives you more convenience when you need to visit them for supplies or other inquiries and vice versa. 

If you have a supplier that is out of town or out of the country, it won’t be that convenient. Most customers are also more happy in supporting local and giving back to the community. This can be a good selling point to your potential customers since they are becoming more increasingly aware and interested in knowing where the products they consume come from.

The process of choosing the right coffee supplier can be crucial in determining the success or failure of your business. Careful planning is necessary, along with the tips mentioned above. 

If you’re looking for a commodities marketplace to purchase a wide range of products, get in touch or take a look at our selection today!

5 Vital Considerations When Looking for a Raw Material Supplier – What to Know

Looking for a supplier of raw materials for your business can be quite a tricky process. The chances are that you’d consider pricing as the top factor during your selection. The lower the cost is, the more likely you’ll seal a contract with a particular supplier. The price, however, is not the only aspect that matters. Keep in mind that the success of your business can be determined as well by your working relationship with your supplier, the quality of the produced products, and its research and innovation implemented in the industry.

That said, below are five essential factors to consider when choosing a raw material supplier. Keep on reading to find out more.

1. High-quality products

Nothing beats a supplier that provides high-quality products. So, during your selection process, it’s best to opt for a company with a proven and tested capability to deliver superior raw goods or items. Superior products are typically the result yielded by a manufacturing process that works with a sound system of Research and Development (R&D) support, regulatory compliance, and a robust IP and patent portfolio.

2. Trusted industry expert

When dealing with a supplier, it’s best to work with a company that’s trusted in the industry. Know that a highly reputable supplier is one that has superior knowledge and expertise in the field. They continuously work on improving their products based on insights on the ingredient’s mechanism, health benefits, and formulation considerations. They aspire to make impactful marketing claims and ensure and prove the quality of materials and products being supplied to the market.

3. Leader in research

When confronted with two competing suppliers, will you go for a company with lower pricing or one that has a substantial body of evidence confirming their benefits? Know that the latter is a more credible choice. A supplier that conducts research to justify the quality of products they produce is a company that you can surely depend on. In fact, research should be a constant pursuit considered an integral part of the supplier’s business process and operation.

4. Constant innovation

Along with research is constant innovation. Opt for a supplier that continuously wants to improve their products or supplies and go for a manufacturer that creates products that stand out on crowded shelves. This means you should select a company that offers a new delivery format or gives in to the market demand. In the end, a supplier that works to evolve their brand can provide the best solution and a variety of product options for the good of the market. 

5. Collaboration and support

Collaboration and support are an essential part of your relationship with a supplier. It’s best to deal with a supplier that can interact and work well with you and your staff. In cases of unlikely circumstances, they can provide alternative solutions. It doesn’t only limit their relationship with you by just providing your business with raw supplies, but they give your business the utmost support that you need.

Final words

Choosing the right supplier for your raw materials can be crucial to the success of your business. Initially, your consumers expect you to deliver high-quality products as promised. The raw products sourced out to you can be instrumental to the quality of outputs or products you’re going to produce and sell out to the target market. Consider the five essential factors mentioned above when hiring a reputable company that will supply your business with reliable raw materials. 

If you’re looking for a raw materials supplier in the UK to purchase a wide range of products from, get in touch or take a look at our selection today!

Uses and Benefits of Coconut Oil – What to Know

In recent years, coconut oil has grown in popularity all over the world, and it has often been classified as a “superfood.” Even the medical community has once shunned coconut oil due to its saturated fat content. With claims of the many benefits coconut oil has, however, from weight loss to aid in the slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease, coconut oil is undoubtedly here to stay, and for good reasons.

Various food manufacturers have started to incorporate coconut oil in their products, ranging from sweets, fried foods, coffee, and smoothies, among many others. Even retailers are now beginning to use coconut oil in packaged products, such as in shampoos or in beauty products. Although nutritionists may not completely agree, a survey showed that about 72% of Americans believed that coconut oil offers more benefits than harm.

In this article, we will share with you several uses and benefits of coconut oil. Keep on reading to find out more.

1. For cooking – there are many ways you can use coconut oil at home – in beauty recipes or for a healthy snack.

  • Baking recipes – as a dairy-free alternative to butter
  • Smoothies
  • Coconut macarons
  • Coffee creamer alternative
  • Coconut-based granola recipes

2. For beauty – skin, hair, and face

  • Hair conditioner
  • Hair mask
  • Facial wash
  • Make-up remover
  • Lip scrub or lip balm
  • Hydration for the face, hands, and skin
  • Massage oil
  • Deodorant

The ways you can use coconut oil are endless. You can even use it to make a DIY soap for laundry or even to wash your pets.

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Despite the arguments and controversy, coconut oil has many benefits that include but are not limited to:

1.  It relieves eczema and skin irritation

Applying coconut oil can greatly reduce the severity of eczema in children by about 30% as compared to mineral oils. Studies also showed that it can improve dermatitis and other skin-related conditions the same way moisturizers and mineral oils do.

2. It improves dental health

Coconut oil can be used as a powerful weapon against bacteria in the mouth, such as Streptococcus mutans. This is the type of bacteria in the mouth that is responsible for tooth decay, gum disease, and dental plaque. One study confirmed that oil pulling, or swishing with coconut oil for about ten minutes, reduces the risk of developing oral problems as effectively as rinsing with the conventional antiseptic mouthwash. Another study also showed that when oil pulling is done daily, it reduced inflammation and plaque in teens with gingivitis.

3. It boosts bone health

Coconut oil has been shown to increase bone density by neutralizing free radicals that damage the cells in the bone. Animal research on rats showed that the antioxidants found in virgin coconut oil protects and enhances bone health. The rats that received eight per cent of their calories from virgin coconut oil had significantly improved bone structure and bone volume.

While many studies are supporting the benefits of coconut oil, most of these are still inconclusive, small, and lab- or animal-based studies. When in doubt, remember to consume coconut oil in moderation and consult the experts.

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