How BLK Assesses Cost

Beyond the common financial background checks

Quality – Cost – Service Delivery are the foundations of our Rating Criteria.

Here’s how we specifically assess “Cost”.

A supplier background check must go beyond the mere credit report, which is readily available for the vast majority of the business anyway and does not give a true reflection on the actual operational profile of a company.

Standard credit reports fall very short of evaluating a business’ quality, its positioning in relation to cost and, most importantly, service delivery.

For this reason, BLK has developed a proprietary evaluation method, currently used as a reference standard within the commodity trading and chemical manufacturing industries and validated on hundreds of clients already.

The BLK Rating, which covers in detail not only financials but Quality, Cost and Service Delivery, with a deep scrutiny on companies’ environmental footprint as well, paints a comprehensive picture of a business’ real position and capabilities.

In this article, we’ll look specifically at how BLK assesses Cost to build the overall company rating.

Cost is a mix of multiple factors. It’s not merely “how expensive (or cheap) is the specific product (or quote)”. It’s about a business’ overall approach to pricing and its positioning in respect to that.

1. Average gross margin

The first item we look at when evaluating cost is the company’ average gross margin in the past 3 years. This gives a good indication on whether the company falls within the average for the industry, above or below, and in which quartile.

An average, constant gross margin in the bottom quartile, means that the company is positioned aggressively in respect to pricing and therefore not only the specific product, but their whole range is likely to be competitive in absolute terms.

 2. Price vs platform

It is also important to look at the price of the specific commodity compared to those of other suppliers on BLK.

We pride ourselves of being the “Online Spot Market” and as such we drive strong price competition from vetted suppliers all over the world. A company’s price may be competitive for a specific country but fall short when compared to that of overseas competitors.

We take into account the global landscape, giving buyers a feel of how the supplier stacks up internationally.

3. Average price vs index

To complement that, we also compare the specific price of goods to that of the commodity index (whenever applicable).

This way, we get the full picture, not only via the benchmark with the rest of the private market but with the institutional one as well, comparing the BLK supplier rates’ with those achieved by the movers of huge volumes such as investment banks and blue chip trading houses.

4. Credit Terms

It’s not just about “how much does it cost” but also “how much flexibility do I have for my payment”.

Suppliers that offer credit terms and payments in instalments as opposed to pre-payment only, are ranked higher than those who don’t.

BLK acts with a buyer-centric approach and the easier supplier make for a buyer to purchase, the higher it speaks of their credibility and cost positioning.

5. Price for Specific Order

Finally, we look at the specific quote or price and evaluate it with our team of expert category managers who assign a rating on the basis of their expertise in the international landscape, market conditions and supply-demand knowledge at the specific point in time.

6. Fixed vs Variable Cost Ratio

The ratio between fixed and variable costs for the company gives an indication of how heavy the company’s specific cost base is (in relation to their cost of sales). If the Fixed/Variable costs ratio is relatively low, it underpins a strong dependance from raw materials and possibly a conservative approach to margin.

These are indicators that the company tends to be more competitive than average, and the benchmark with the index and platform average prices for the same commodity, give the full assessment on how aggressive on pricing the supplier actually is.

To find out more on how we assess quality, check out our detailed post.

Do you want to get a free assessment of your company to understand how you position in respect to Quality, Cost, Service Delivery and how you stack-up against your direct competitors?

Contact us!

BLK Shipping Weekly – Shipping Rates Updates

16 JULY 2021

Welcome to BLK Shipping Weekly, our Shipping Rates Updates. In this issue, we’ll be covering:

  • Wet Cargo
  • Dry Cargo
  • Containers
  • Gas

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with our Shipping Weekly and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to never miss an update.

Curious of how the shipping rates evolved? Check out our previous article.

Wet Cargo

The increasing price of crude oil has been driving the tankers’ charter rates up throughout July, although this has now slowed down and we are seeing a stabilisation of the tanker rates.

VLCC – Very Large Crude Carriers remained pretty much stable. Although we’re still unbelievably far from 2019 levels, we can now see positive signs of pick-up. Outlook: Stable

Suezmax – rates remained still, apart for a few routes where we saw a near 100% growth. As the oil price stabilises, we expect that the vessel charter rates will go with it. Outlook: Stable

Aframax – afra rates more lost ground, with a general weakening across most routes. Outlook: Stable

Dirty Products – July continued to be busy in the Mediterranean, whilst remained weak in the US Gulf. Outlook: Stable.

Clean Products – Charter rates strengthened across the board primarily driven by the increase of fuel prices and re-opening of most countries in Europe and North America. Outlook: Positive 

MR – uptake in demand did not have the expected positive effects on MR rates, owing to the oversupply of carrying capacity in the market. Not huge gains for MRs although a general positive feeling in the market. Outlook: Stable

LR1 demand for log-range tankers grew significantly. Further climb looks likely as demand for refined products on each side of the Atlantic grows. Outlook: Positive

LR2 Strong rally for LR2 tankers, up to 160% surge in a week. Outlook: Positive

Handy Handy earnings slipped below $3000/day as the larger size vessels rallied. Outlook: Stable

Dirty Panamax – Rates continued softening very slightly on all routes, with a general 1% – 5% drop since last week. Outlook: Stable

Dry Cargo

Slow-down on most routes and across all segments, with the exception of handy bulkers. 

Capesize – Capes declined between 9 to 15%, having broken through the $30k/day for the first time in years and now finding resistance to a further growth they are now back in the $23k region. Outlook: Stable

Panamax  – slight decrease in demand impacted negatively the charter rates, with an average reduction of 10%. Hold availability shortage played a major role, in off-setting a larger fall, with average rates just below $30k. Outlook: Stable

Supramax – Supramaxes lost ground in recent days, after climbing steadily over the course of 2021. The second half of July saw a reduction of 4-7% to settle on an average of $26k/day Outlook: Stable

Handysize – rates continued their upward trend breaking past the $30k/day mark. Outlook: Positive


Container rates did not slow down in July with further increases up to 75% past $100k/day mark for Neo-panamax vessels. As container liners keep stashing cash on the back of the strongest year on record, we are seeing the newbuilding order book starting to fill-up for the year ahead.

We are now seeing more ship owners ordering new tonnage, predominantly ultra-large carriers, LNG fuelled like CMA CGM or methanol-propelled, like Maersk.

More, new carrying capacity is set to enter the market, which should contribute to the softening of the rates. The entrance in service of these vessels is, however, still many months away and demand for containers still looks strong. 

On the raw materials side, however, and especially in chemical commodities, the high freight rates (now looking upwards of $18,000 per TEU on the route China – Europe) now impact prices of goods to the extent that it is equivalent or cheaper to source from European suppliers.

We expect to see a continual decrease in smaller-batches shipments westbound from Asia to Europe, hopefully accompanied by a subsequent easing of the TEU rates towards the end of the year.

Outlook: Positive


Rates for Gas Carriers declined slightly, with the biggest hit suffered by for large carriers 145,000 m3 and above. Pressurized and semi-pressurized vessel rates remained constant.

This was expected as plenty of tonnage was tied-up in dock for ballast water treatment systems installation and is now slowly coming back into the market, increasing overall supply. Outlook: Stable

To learn more about how we can support your business shipping as cheaply and environmentally-friendly as possible, visit us at BLK.

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with our weekly shipping updates.

Negotiation Skills: Managing Supplier Relationships in the APAC Region

Learn how to effectively negotiate across cultures, with a specific focus on Asia Pacific.

In this article, we’ll be looking at:

1. Body Language

2. Saying «No»

3. Cultural Differences

4. Trading Variables aka Bargaining Chips

5. How to Successfully Prepare for the Negotiation

6. Buying Tactics

7. Negotiator Rulebook

Here’s a very effective, 30 minute video to learn all you need to know about negotiation, managing relationships with stakeholders in the Asia Pacific Region and always achieve the most successful outcomes from a negotiation.

Negotiation Skills: Managing Supplier Relationships in the APAC Region – BLK Webinar Series

Body Language

93% of communication is non-verbal.

Although we pride ourselves to be rational animals, the vast majority of communication in humans occurs on a subconscious level. What we actually say only counts for a tiny percentage. What really matters is what we do while we say it and how you say it.

This is a hugely important consideration, because it means that, in general, we are disadvantaged in a virtual world.

Now that most meetings have moved online there is no longer that safe space and time outside the boardroom to build a rapport, get to know the other party, get a feeling on their body language. This has strong implications.

No informal space – where trust and connection is established the easiest

Easier to say NO – conversation is less divergent

Lack of physical interaction and coordination – people become more risk averse and conservative

Common mistakes

Let’s look at the common mistakes most people make in a virtual setting.

  • Avoiding silence – people find virtual silence uncomfortable (silence can be useful)
  • Not clarifying constraints and assumptions – leads to misunderstanding and lack of trust
  • Not setting an agenda and managing expectations – surprises are usually not welcome if opposing side is not prepared
  • Lack of awareness on culture difference – be aware of cultural influence, communication styles, and boundaries

How to successfully negotiate virtually

  • Connect at the outset and manage expectations

Set the scene by sending the agenda to align on expecations, set up the meeting so you stay in control. Note there is less patience and time to work together 

  • Create informal moments 

Ensure everyone has a face and know their background. Use this time to build a connection 

  • Clarify constraints and assumptions

Leave no room for any misunderstanding. Ask more questions and take lead in sharing interests. This helps others reveal more information and gain more trust 

  • Smile

A smile goes a long way to prevent negative facial expressions on screen, and gives the perception that you are more welcoming

  • “Zoom” fatigue

Meeting fatigues are real, so direct viewers gaze to where they should look, grab audience attention through emotions and movement, and keep meetings short and introduce breaks. 

  • Touch base after the meeting

Send an email or a note summarizing what was discussed/ agreed to ensure everyone is on the same page 

Saying “No”

In a face to face negotiation, we must be very mindful of the other party’s cultural background and accept that we may actually stimulate a positive outcome by allowing the other person to say “no.

This is because someone saying “no” feels more protected as well as feeling in need to now give back to the other party. This makes them more open to listen and reach a positive outcome.

Use the “no” to your advantage and prompt a “no” from the other party precisely when you want them to pay more attention to what you have to say next to then drive a positive response.

Face to face negotiation

  • People are generally more empathetic and more open to finding a common ground, because there is a possibility for more trust and understanding
  • People are more emotionally alert so tactics such as Mirroring, 3 Yes Rule, and Pacing are more effective
  • Cultural difference is more prominent, so it is important to be aware cultural differences and knowing how to build the cultural gap

Let’s look at some practical examples of cultural divergences.

  1. Eye contact in UK, US, Europe is a sign of strength, while eastern countries like Japan can be deemed impolite, and middle east as uncomfortable (if working across genders)
  2. Acknowledging hierarchy is a formal rule in Asia. Therefore, where you sit speaks volumes, unlike less hierarchical cultures such as Canada, Sweden, or Britain
  3. Time is important in some cultures, where being late is considered unprofessional, while other cultures like Spanish, Arab, or Nigerians is considered normal

Trading Variables aka Bargaining Chips

Before arriving at the negotiating table, plan in advance everything you want to take away from the other party and every chip you can put on the table in exchange.

Trading variable can be classed according to four macro categories.

Trading Variables in a negotiation

Here are some examples of the main trading variables:

•Price discounts

•Volume discounts

•Total business discount (volume rebates)

•Credit terms

•Payment in instalments

•Extras / add-ons / giveaways

•After sales services

•Specification / quality

•Period over which prices are guaranteed

Preparing for the negotiation

It is good practice to lay down all of your trading variables ahead of the negotiation.

#Rank each variable in order of importance to you (e.g. does it matter more quality, cost, speedy service, etc.)

For each variable, set out a clear range or playing field. What is the best case scenario you aim to take away? What is the worst case, where do you draw the line beyond which you walk away?

Doing this for each and every variable on the table will allow you to be much better prepared and know exactly how much room for compromise you have for every item.

Ask questions. Find out what is the perceived value for each variable from the other party. Always try and give away variables which are low cost to you but perceived as high-value from the other party.

Monetise. How much is each variable worth to the other party? By asking the right question you’ll be able to assign a monetary value to each item. Giving a specific price tag to every variable will help you quantifying how much value you’re adding for your counterpart.

Buying Tactics

Here are some of the most effective buying tactics you can apply.

The Dutch Auction

An open comparison of two or more competitors, often with the competitors sitting in front of one another! This usually translates into a downward auction where each competitor tries to openly undercut the others.

The Budget Bluff

“I really want what you are offering, but this is all I have in my budget so I cannot afford any more…”

The Competitor Quote

“I had more competitive quotes than yours so if you cannot drop your price I will have to go with someone else”

The best friend

Pretending to be friends and leveraging the relationship for a better price.

The future promise

If you give me a really good deal on this first small order I will get you more business in the future.

The Stall

Buyer pretending to be in no rush to find a deal. Remember, in every negotiation one of the parties is always under time pressure. The more the clock ticks, the more they’ll be inclined to making concessions. If the one not having a time constraint is not you… happy days!

Buy Now bargain later

If you are the guy with a time pressure… well this trick may just do for you.

“Given that we have come so far, why don’t you start processing my order and we can sort out the minor details later?”

Negotiator’s Rulebook

  1. Never ever give something away for free. For every variable you concede, get something back from the other party.
  2. When making a concession, ensure it is always a low-cost / high-value variable.
  3. Always act in good faith. Adopt a collaborative approach from the onset. Remember this is business, we’re all in it to achieve a positive outcome. Let’s clarify what is the other party wants to achieve beyond the single transaction. Let us approach the negotiation with (almost) all our cards on the table and let’s invite the other party to do the same. Only then we’ll have visibility of what the other party wants to achieve and we can work together towards a WIN-WIN outcome.

Do you want to learn how to be as effective as possible in purchasing for your business?

Find out more about BLK Supply Chain

Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter: @Blkcommodities

BLK Shipping Weekly – Shipping Rates Updates

04 JULY 2021

Welcome to BLK Shipping Weekly, our update from the shipping market. In this issue, we’ll be covering:

  • Wet Cargo
  • Dry Cargo
  • Containers
  • Gas

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with our Shipping Weekly and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to never miss an update.

Wet Cargo

The increasing price of crude oil has been driving the tankers’ charter rates up, with  significant boom this week, especially for the Black Sea – Med routes. The barrel price above $75, caused 500%+ surges specifically on the medium-sized parcels.

Tankers Cargo Rates

VLCC – Very Large Crude Carriers rallied 100% WoW, growing with the positive sentiment around oil price. The Spot rates pretty much doubled, from $600/day to $1200/day. Although we’re still unbelievably far from 2019 levels, we can now see positive signs of pick-up. Outlook: Stable

Suezmax – rates boomed, growing on average 30% WoW, with some routes seeing a 5 times increase. As the oil price keeps surging, we expect a positive impact on the vessel charter rates coing forward. Outlook: Positive

Aframax – afra rates more than doubled on the back of the positive oil prices news last week. Current rates fixed above $10600/day. Outlook: Positive

Tankers Charter Rates

Dirty Products – July began with a relatively stable outlook, particularly busy in the Mediterranean, particularly weak in the US Gulf. Outlook: Stable.

Clean Products – Charter rates weakened between 3 to 60% owing to the fact that most world refineries are still operating under capacity due to the low demand for refined fuels. With airlines still down and road traffic at a fraction of the pre-pandemic levels the market remains far from its best shape. Plenty of carrying capacity available on the main routes contributes to weakening the outlook. Outlook: Stable 

Product Tankers Cargo Rates

MR – uptake in demand did not have the expected positive effects on MR rate, owing to the oversupply of carrying capacity in the market. Overall down on average 25%, settling at $3800/day.. Outlook: Stable

LR1 demand for log-range tankers remains low. Slow pick-up is possible depending on the easing of lockdowns and demand for refined products on each side of the Atlantic. Outlook: Stable

LR2 In general, the market remains down between 3% and 5%. Slightly better than the previous week, although far from 2020 peak performance. Outlook: Stable

Handy As anticipated last week, with LR and MR tanker rates below those of Handy tankers, charterers have been shifting to larger vessel sizes, wherever possible. This led to a hit in the region of 10% to Handy rates, with an additional slight drop still possible until break even or below is reached. Currently at $3800/day. Outlook: Stable

Dirty Panamax – Rates continued softening slightly on all routes, with a general 15% drop since last week, among fears of a new COVID wave due to the delta variant. Outlook: Stable

Product Tankers Charter Rates

Dry Cargo

General pick-up on all routes and across all segments, underpinning a strong market sentiment, driven by the increasing demand for raw materials.

Bulk Carriers Cargo Rates

Capesize – Capes remained relatively stable, having broken through the $30k/day for the first time in years and now finding resistance to a further growth. Outlook: Stable

Panamax  – slight increase in demand impacted positively the charter rates, with another 7% weekly growth. Hold availability shortage played a major role, with charter rates now surpassing $3500/day on certain routes. Outlook: Stable

Supramax – rates climbing steadily over the course of 2021 and stabilised in May to pick-up again more aggressively in June, with a 20% average growth WoW. The first days of July saw a stabilisation of this trend, with a flatter growth curve, rising by an average of 7% WoW to settle on an average of $27k/day Outlook: Positive

Handysize – rates continued their upward trend breaking past the $27k/day mark. Outlook: Positive

Bulk Carriers Charter Rates


Container rates did not slow down starting July with a further 5-6% increase. Now nearing the $100k/day mark for Neo-panamax vessels too. As container liners keep stashing cash on the back of the strongest year on record, we are seeing the newbuilding order book starting to fill-up for the year ahead.

We are now seeing more ship owners ordering new tonnage, predominantly ultra-large carriers, LNG fuelled like CMA CGM or methanol-propelled, like Maersk.

More, new carrying capacity is set to enter the market, which should contribute to the softening of the rates. The entrance in service of these vessels is, however, still many months away and demand for containers still looks strong. 

Container Vessels Cargo Rates

On the raw materials side, however, and especially in chemical commodities, the high freight rates (now looking upwards of $15,500 per TEU on the route China – Europe) now impact prices of goods to the extent that it is equivalent or cheaper to source from European suppliers.

We expect to see a continual decrease in smaller-batches shipments westbound from Asia to Europe, hopefully accompanied by a subsequent easing of the TEU rates towards the end of the year.

Air cargo is now cheaper than ocean freight for smaller parcels, are we on the tipping point for this huge container rally?

Outlook: Positive

Container Vessels Charter Rates


Rates for Gas Carriers remained relatively stable, with a small growth for large carriers. Pressurized and semi-pressurized vessel rates remained constant.

Gas Carriers Cargo Rates

As plenty of tonnage is currently tied-up in dock for ballast water treatment systems installation, we are to expect a softening of the rates next month, as the ships come back into the market.
Outlook: Stable

Gas Carriers Charter Rates

To learn more about how we can support your business shipping as cheaply and environmentally-friendly as possible, visit us at BLK.

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Shipping rates updates

Every Friday on BLK.

BLK Marketplace – Growth and Distribution of Underlying Assets

An Overview of the World’s First Commodity Marketplace Rapid Growth

BLK MVP launched in September 2019. Let’s take a look at how the marketplace has evolved by analysing its stock and value growth over the past 2 years.

The Humble Beginnings

The second half of 2019 was a game of chicken and egg. Which comes first?

We decided that in order to drive demand on our marketplace, supply had to be there first. This was done with a customer-centric approach. In the B2B space, you often have one shot at fidelising a customer. If you fail they are much less likely to come back.

With this in mind, we got to work to bring in the first 3 suppliers for each category:

  1. Agricultural
  2. Chemicals
  3. Energy
  4. Construction
  5. Main Bulks
  6. Industrial
  7. Metals
BLK Marketplace – Value of commodities in stock over time

Q2 of 2020 was when things started to pick-up. We agreed strategic partnerships with UK and India-based producers of semi-finished metal products, then onboarded the first chemical suppliers.

In December 2020 our big breakthrough: our first transaction. We are now post-revenue.

From the beginning of 2021, with the birth of our Supply Chain division, we targeted SMEs and large corporate businesses, some of which are blue-chip, publicly-listed entities.

We have now shifted gears, driving supply onto the marketplace thanks to the increased demand.

The strategy is to sign large buyers on, let them bring in their own suppliers, to get cash-back on their orders. We share the profits we earn with them and the growth becomes exponential.

Between Q1 and Q2 2021 we grow 265%, with an average annual compound growth rate of 277.8% and an overall growth of 3225% between 2019 and 2021.

Underlying Commodity Asset Value Distribution by Category

BLK Marketplace – Commodities value distribution by category

To date, suppliers on our marketplace trade $332M-worth of chemical commodities (31% of the total value of goods for sale on BLK); $242M of metal products (including grade A steel, stainless steel and high-strength alloys); $238M of Agricultural goods (22% of the total) and $219M of energy products (20% of the total).

BLK Marketplace – Commodities distribution by quantity

Metals account for the vast majority of the overall quantity in sheer weight – nearly 1 million tons.

In second place come construction materials, with one supplier stacking a whopping 220,000+ tons of aggregates, cement, construction sand and bentonite, the main component of the clay used to fabricate bricks, fuelling the booming housing market in the UK and Europe.

Main Bulks, which cover fly ash, sand and lower-value commodities, together with Industrial products (mainly lubricants and specialised chemicals) account for a 4% of the overall stock value traded on BLK, with an overall 16% in terms of sheer volume contribution. The reason for this is that these are generally high-volume, low-value commodities.


As we move forward into the second half of 2021 and further into 2022, we will continue seeing a significant and steady growth in our marketplace activity.

With a few deals under negotiation, our short-term pipeline already holds a further half-million tons of energy products, which will account for an additional $300M in stock value in the next 3-6 months.

Contacts & Additional Info

For additional information on our growth, projections and performance, contact our investor relations at

or Gabriele Dadò – Founder & CEO, at

To learn more about BLK, our proprietary Rating system and how we assess quality, ensuring security on all transactions and differentiating from all vertical-focused marketplaces, check out our LinkedIn page or see our blog.

How BLK Assesses Quality

BLK evaluates all users on the basis of our proprietary Quality – Cost – Service Delivery criteria.

But what does quality mean for us and how do you as a supplier or buyer can ensure to be recognised among the top quality players?

In this post we will look at how BLK assesses quality.

Quality is a mix of many factors, which we assess individually and score on a scale from 1 to 100. Each factor carries a different weight, all of them contributing towards your overall Quality Score.

  1. Quality Certifications
  2. Class Approvals
  3. Legal Status
  4. Supply Chain Security
  5. Financials
  6. No. of employees
  7. Country of HQ
  8. Turnover
  9. Years in Business
  10. Track Record of Customers
  11. Returns Policy
  12. Transparency
  13. Carbon Footprint

Each and every variable is assigned a different weight. 

1.1 Quality Certifications 

We check that the company operates a Health and Safety Management System to a recognised standard. Moreover, we ensure it holds a number of certifications validated by various independent certification bodies.

We also look at whether the company has an adequate Environmental Policy in place, alongside formal risk assessment procedures and dedicated HSE personnel to implement them.

Finally, we check the company Employer’s Liability insurance, as well as policies and provisions for the training of personnel.

1.2 Class Approvals

We check that the company has been independently audited and holds certifications with classification societies such as Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Lloyd’s, UKAS, and whether the class approvals cover the scope of supply of the company.

Furthermore, we look at whether the company manufactured products are independently analysed by renowned players like Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS ) so as to ensure quality and compliance with all applicable standards.

1.3 Legal Status

This is a very important check that we run. We assess the company background and ensure that neither the company, nor any of its directors have had any conviction under environmental, health and safety legislation during the past three calendar years.

Additionally, we want to make sure that none of the directors of the company has ever been convicted for a breach of the Bribery Act 2010 or similar legislation.

1.4 Supply Chain Security

Supply chain security is critical. Merger and acquisitions, change in key personnel, joint ventures and similar events may expose a company’s supply chain to external attacks like cyber and/or noncompliant suppliers.

BLK Assesses businesses’ supply chains to determine whether this is sufficiently secure to meet international standards.

In particular, we look at historical and prospective acquisitions, change in key personnel and onboarding of suppliers with a history of bribery, criminal convictions and/or cyber attacks.

We also evaluate the key personnel’s retention rate, ensuring that a business has competent, stable and secure people on the job.

This way we can be sure to offset the risk of external stakeholders, procedures and processes exposing the company’s supply chain to external attacks.

1.5 Financials

We analyse company financials to ensure these are solid enough to guarantee the continued operation of the business for the foreseeable future.

Among other things, we look at the company’s debt ratio to assess the long term stability of the business.

Furthermore, we look at the transparency of the company in its willingness to disclose its entire financial history, financial projections and order book for the years ahead.

In assessing the financials, we also ensure that these are independently audited.

1.6 Number of Employees

Although not always an indicator of quality (most of the big corporates are notoriously inefficient) a large number of employees underpins a general stability within a company. We take this into account with a weight factor. There are buyers who may wish to only do business with companies which they perceive as stable or “safe”.

Alongside their balance sheet, the overall staff number is a good indicator of a business’ medium-term stability.

1.7 Country of HQ

Our assessment looks, among other things, at the company’s country of HQ. This impacts the overall score based on the country’s rating from the major credit rating agencies.

We also look at the company’s approach to health, safety, quality and management compared to that of similar companies in the country.

1.8 Turnover

For some (generally corporate) buyers, public entities or ISO 9001 certified businesses it may be required to only consider as suppliers companies above a certain turnover thresholds. This is especially the case in public sector procurement and it’s not uncommon for public tenders in the UK to require a minimum of £500,000 annual turnover in order to qualify for the bid.

BLK assesses the turnover independently and gives visibility of it to our buyers, so that they can select the most appropriate suppliers on the basis of their internal policies.

1.9 Years in Business & Key Personnel Retention

Although not a key indicator, a long track record supports the perception of long-term stability of a company. This evaluated and feeds into our overall quality assessment with a weighted score, so as not to penalise excessively start-ups and younger businesses, whilst allowing buyers to get full transparency on suppliers they intend to do business with.

Company evaluations we run focus, among other things, to the company history, not just in terms of number of years in business, but also in terms of long term growth of their bottom line as well as headcount and key personnel retention rate. 

This way, we can ensure stability going forward and competence of the team in critical positions and departments which will affect our customers, such as production and customer service.

1.10 Track Record of Customers

Another thing we evaluate is the company’s existing customer pool, its size, distribution and quality.

We look at whether a company works with blue chip brands or publicly-listed entities, which is a strong indicator of the quality of their products/services as well as service delivery.

1.11 Returns Policy

Return policy says a lot about the quality of a business. Especially within the commodity space, if  a company has a return policy in place it means they’re confident about the quality of what they sell, and it’s a huge bonus in the overall assessment.

In assessing businesses, we look at whether a company offers 100% money-back guarantee if goods are not as described or according to specification.

Also, we look at whether the company has a dedicated, permanent customer service team, which impacts positively on the company’s overall quality and service delivery.

1.12 Transparency

Transparency is paramount. It is the very reason why we assess businesses the way we do.

Transparency is the foundation of our business and that of our partners. We therefore request a large amount of documentation from the businesses we vet and we look at whether businesses adopted a transparent approach from the onset, disclosing financials, performance indicators and remaining open to an on-site visit from one of our representatives.

If they don’t… maybe they have something to hide. That brings their rating down.

1.13 Carbon footprint

As we go forward, more and more focus is placed on the environmental impact of companies and people we do business with.

This has a specific place in BLK’s vetting process and we look at companies’ carbon footprint overall and specifically for the products they are selling.

We do this by gathering data on their emissions, electricity consumption, fuel consumption, business travel, lighting and heating. 

All these information are conveyed into our proprietary model for an Extended Exergy Accounting evaluation.

Exergy is and extensive property of a system and it is a measure of the system’s overall impact within the environment. Differently from Energy, exergy does not conserve itself.

Thermodynamic processes, including human activities and manufacturing, destroy a portion of the exergy. Exergy destroyed is the part of energy that can no longer be recuperated and used for any other process. It is an unservable by-product of a process.

We treat a business like a black box. We assess all the exergy getting into the business in terms of specific energy of capital, labour, environmental impact, etc. We then look at he output product and their specific exergy content.

This allows us to determine whether these products are adequately priced not only in relation to the market but also in terms of environmental cost required to produce them.

All this goes into our Extended Exergy Analysis and with this method we are able to evaluate a company’s true footprint on the environment.

Do you want to find out the overall quality rating of your business?

Do you want to understand how you stack-up against your competitors in the market and take the necessary steps to improve your positioning?

Find out more about the BLK Rate and contact us for a tailor-made discussion.

BLK Shipping Weekly – Shipping Rates Updates

25 June 2021

Welcome to BLK Shipping Weekly, our regular shipping rates updates. In this issue, we’ll be covering:

  • Wet Cargo
  • Dry Cargo
  • Containers
  • Gas

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with our Shipping Weekly and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to never miss an update.

Wet Cargo

Charter rates down, on all fronts, although we seem to be scraping the bottom of the barrel, with owners’ resistance to further drops, leading to a no deal on a growing number of fixtures.

Tankers Cargo Rates

VLCC – It was another bad week for VLCCs, with most routes commanding negative charter rates. Very good news for shippers, especially those looking at cross-Atlantic routes. List of uncharted vessels remain high, with supply overpowering demand. Owners are now starting to turn down cargoes, in a bid to drive charter rates back up. Avg. VLCCs rate at $601, underpinning the large tonnage oversupply. If you can, ship now. Outlook: Negative

Suezmax – rates still suffering from the oversupply of tonnage in the market but made a slight recovery WoW. Rates now surpassing those of VLCCs, just below the $2500 per day mark. Outlook: Stable

Aframax – afra rates saw drops between 4 and 11%, with the exception of Mediterranean Routes, which saw a whopping +144% growth WoW. Avg. charter rates stable at $4900/day. Outlook: Stable

Tankers Charter Rates

Dirty Products – the slow decline in rates continued, primarily driven by the low availability of tonnage in the Mediterraneand and Baltic. Charter rates fall slowed down compared to the previous week, shrinking only between 3% and 28% Outlook: Stable.

Clean Products – Charter rates weakened between 2 to 40% owing to the fact that most world refineries are still operating under capacity due to the low demand for refined fuels. With airlines still down and road traffic at a fraction of the pre-pandemic levels the market remains far from its best shape. Plenty of carrying capacity available on the main routes contributes to weakening the outlook. Outlook: Stable 

Product Tankers Cargo Rates

MR – uptake in demand drove rates up, with a positive outlook for the weeks ahead. Outlook: Positive

LR1 demand for log-range tankers remains low. Slow pick-up is possible depending on the easing of lockdowns and demand for refined products on each side of the Atlantic. Outlook: Stable

LR2 In general, the market remains down between 12% and 22%. Outlook: Negative

Handy Slow pick-up is possible subject to the easing of lockdowns and demand for refined products on each side of the Atlantic. LR and MR tanker rates, however, are now below those of Handy tankers, meaning that charterers will likely shift to larger vessel sizes, wherever possible. Therefore, we should expect a further drop in Handy rates. Outlook: Negative

Dirty Panamax – Rates softened everywhere, among fears of a new COVID wave due to the delta variant. Outlook: Stable

Product Tankers Charter Rates

Dry Cargo

General pick-up on all routes and across all segments, underpinning a strong market sentiment, driven by the increasing demand for raw materials.

Bulk Carriers Cargo Rates

Capesize – Uptake in charter rates picked up, with nearly $5000 growth WoW, which pushed the Cape rates beyond $30k/day for the first time in years. Outlook: Positive

Panamax  – stable demand which impacted positively the charter rates, with a 7% weekly growth. Hold availability shortage played a major role, with charter rates now nearing $30500/day Outlook: Stable

Supramax – rates climbing steadily over the course of 2021 and stabilised in May to pick-up again more aggressively in June, with a 20% average growth WoW.  Outlook: Positive

Handysize – rates remained stable without much movement from the previous weeks. Fixed around the $24k/day mark. Outlook: Stable

Bulk Carriers Charter Rates


Container rates continue with their strong rally, with ultra-large container carriers breaking through $100k/day for the first time in history.

As container liners keep stashing cash on the back of the strongest year on record, we are seeing the newbuilding order book starting to fill-up for the year ahead. This week Hapag Lloyd announced the order for 12 Ultra-large 23,500 TEU vessels. We expect other liners to soon follow-suit, booking yards for LNG-fuelled vessels.

Positive news for shippers, with new carrying capacity entering the market, which should contribute to the softening of the rates. The entrance in service of these vessels is, however, still many months away and demand for container still looks strong. 

Rising inflation in post-lockdown economy may contribute to ease the demand for finished goods but it remains to be seen whether this will be permanent or, as the Bank of England predicts, only temporary. In the latter case, we’re in for a long winter of very expensive shipping from Asia with final consumers paying the ultimate price.

Container Vessels Cargo Rates

On the raw materials side, however, and especially in chemical commodities, the high freight rates (now looking upwards of $12,500 per TEU on the route China – Europe) now impact prices of goods to the extent that it is equivalent or cheaper to source from European suppliers.

We expect to see a continual decrease in smaller-batches shipments westbound from Asia to Europe, hopefully accompanied by a subsequent easing of the TEU rates towards the end of the year.

Air cargo is now cheaper than ocean freight for smaller parcels, are we on the tipping point for this huge container rally?

Outlook: Positive

Container Vessels Charter Rates


Shipping rates updates for Gas Carriers are not significant. Stable WoW, with a slight 9% recover for large carriers rates. Pressurized and semi-pressurized vessel rates remained unchanged.

Gas Carriers Cargo Rates

As plenty of tonnage is currently tied-up in dock for ballast water treatment systems installation, we are to expect a further softening of the rates next month, as the ships come back into the market.
Outlook: Stable

Gas Carriers Charter Rates

To learn more about how we can support your business shipping as cheaply and environmentally-friendly as possible, visit us at BLK.

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Shipping rates updates

Every Friday on BLK.

Shea Butter Market 2021

The global Shea Butter market size is worth over $1.1B and expected to grow at a rate of 6.6% per annum by 2026.

What is Shea Butter

Shea butter is obtained from the nuts of the Shea tree and used for many different applications due to its highly desirable content of vitamins, protein, magnesium, potassium and other micro elements. Shea butter is also rich in fatty acids such as oleic acids, sterols and phenols, which have strong moisturising and conditioning properties.

Unrefined shea butter

One of the main shea butter applications is in cosmetics manufacturing, with food coming in as a close second, where shea butter is used as a substitute for cocoa butter.

Regional Segmentation

Europe is one of the biggest markets for Shea butter, with the UK being one of the main consumers. Together, they account for over 37% of the global demand.

North America and Africa hold significant shares as well, with the smallest market for this commodity being Central & South America

Shea Butter Market Regional Segmentation
Shea Butter Regional Segmentation

Quality Segmentation

Unrefined Shea Butter – Grade A: this is shea butter in its most natural and unrefined form. Extracted and prepared without the use of any chemicals or preservatives, as per the traditional African methods. Unrefined shea butter retains all of the vitamins, protein and micro elements which confer it its desirable properties.

Refined Shea Butter – Grade B: Grad B shea butter is still essentially at the raw state. However, preservatives have added to the finished product in order to make it more durable and extend its shelf life. Still very good content of vitamins and micro elements.

Highly Refined Shea Butter – Grade C, D & E: highly refined and extracted using solvents such as hexane, antioxidants and preservatives. Due to the chemicals used in the process, some vitamins such as A and E may be lost.

Price Trends

As demand for shea butter keeps increasing – at a rate of 6-7% per annum – we are witnessing a constant increase in price, related to the relatively limited supply capacity of the fields and farms in West Africa, which are the main producers.

Main drivers are its increased use not only in cosmetics but also as a food substitute to cocoa. This is linked to the high price of cocoa and as long as this continue growing, so will the demand for shea butter as a viable substitute.

In general terms, UK wholesale prices are in the average of $5.50 to $9 per kg, with retail prices shooting as high as £30/kg.

European rates are on the $9000/MT mark, followed by $6840/MT in the APAC region.

Shea Butter Price Chart
Shea Butter Price Chart

Where to buy Shea Butter

Online retailers or wholesalers – avg. price $14.50/kg

On BLK – $2/kg

Through BLK, you can buy directly from the farmers in Africa, with the quality assurance and the peace of mind that each seller has been pre-vetted and independently assessed with our rating method (looking at Quality – Cost – Service Delivery).

Check out our shea butter range now or contact us for any question.

The Reasons Behind a Commodity & Raw Materials Marketplace

BLK is the first dedicated commodity & raw materials marketplace. In today’s world, raw materials are still traded the old fashioned way: huge trading floors, calls, emails.

But people want to buy from people. And digitalisation is coming. So we brought commodity trading online for everyone to buy directly from producers.

What you need to know

  • The world’s raw materials consumption is over 9B tons per year. That’s over $4.5 trillion;
  • Commodities are produced mostly by small businesses, and their price inflates x 10 by the time you or I can purchase them, without much value being added;
  • The shipping costs for commodities amounts to a negligible fraction of their value: between 1 and 2 cents per ton per day;
  • 99%+ of businesses in the UK and Europe are small businesses;
  • 75%  of UK businesses are one-men companies;
  • By buying from producers directly you can save on average 2.5 times what you’re currently paying.

The world’s economy is heavily reliant on raw materials.

Every year, the world consumes over 9 billion tons of raw materials, over $4.5 trillion-worth of trade. 

The energy we consume, the goods we use, the food we eat. It is the fruit of the collective labour of millions all over the world. Farmers, miners, growers. Small businesses, invisible players scattered across the globe, feeding supply chains with ores, grain, coal, fuel, rice, animal feeds.

Through many stakeholders in the supply chains, raw materials pass from hand to hand, their price inflating at every stage, as everyone takes their own cut. 

Before you or I can purchase them, raw materials’ price has increased by a tenfold. And yet they’re still the same. No value has been added – apart from transportation, which really accounts for a tiny fraction of commodities’ value.

Just to give you an idea, the cost of shipping crude oil is 2 cents of a dollar per ton per day. Shipping dry commodities costs just over 1 cent per ton per day.

Over 99% of businesses in the UK are small and medium-sized. That’s the very backbone of our economy. Looking at the rest of Europe, the situation doesn’t change. Italy, France, Spain, Poland, Germany; over 26 million companies. Indeed, in the UK alone, 75% of the businesses are one-man companies. People like us.

People buy from people. People buy from people they trust. That’s precisely why BLK exists. To let people buy from people, cheaper, global, direct.

Current Supply Chains Status

Wherever they are in the world, producers of raw materials are contracted to sell their produce to third-party, generally trading houses, which mass the output of thousands of individual producers to then ship it over via exporters/importers to major hubs where the goods are then broken down into smaller parcels and delivered by road or rail to larger manufacturers or distributors. These, in turn, repackage the goods and made them available for wholesale.

BLK is the first dedicated commodity & raw materials marketplace.
Supply chain for raw materials. The price increases x1o before you or I can purchase them.

At this point, the same kg of cashew nuts that the farmer in West Africa sold for under 50 cents, costs you £20. That’s 5500% increase. And yet, these are the same cashews that left the farm in Africa 3 weeks before.

The Internet as the Great Equaliser

Let’s look back at what happened in 1994. An American entrepreneur starts selling books out of his garage. Yet he doesn’t have a single book in store. People go online and buy the books, the orders are passed on to the libraries and shortly after the readers receive their purchase home. It was the advent of non-inventory marketplaces.

Fast forward to 2021. Over 2B people buy online. That’s over 80% of the people with an internet connection. In fact, it would be unthinkable today not being able to buy something online. Shopping from the comfort of our own homes has become the norm for most of us and the same way we buy a new laptop while sipping a coffee over the kitchen counter, scrolling on our phone, soon we will be buying online for our businesses.

COVID-19 has forced even the elderly to become more tech-savvy than they ever were or would have been and with millennials entering senior management positions into the job market, we’re seeing this trend increasing on a daily basis.

With the internet, the small organic cosmetics manufacturer out of Manchester can buy Shea Butter directly from the farmer in Togo. The former saves thousands of pounds in procurement costs – paying only $2000/ton instead of $9000 – the latter makes a much higher profit by selling to the final user directly.

Thanks to the internet, to digitalization, we can now reach across distances and language barriers, doing what was never possible before. 

The Social Impact

Up until today, it was mostly about the many supporting the few. But with the internet we’re seeing a real shift

If all businesses were to buy directly from the producers using a marketplace we would see a total re-distribution of the world’s wealth, away from the few and back to the many, away from the larger corporations and directly into the pockets of those who work the land and work their craft day in and day out. 

It would contribute to create millions of new jobs, reduce poverty and vastly improve the living conditions for entire nations, reducing unemployment and supporting local communities.

The Environmental Impact

Quantifying the environmental may be difficult but we can try to run a quick calculation.

The UK imports over £200B per year of raw materials. A lot of these could be sourced locally, without the need for long sea journeys from across the globe. If just 1% of UK  businesses were to source raw materials locally, this would contribute to a reduction of 2 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, whilst creating 14,000 jobs and adding £2.6B to the British economy.

A Real-life Story

BLK’s first order was made by a family-owned business that produces natural cosmetics with organic ingredients. Since then, they have been purchasing key ingredients for their cosmetics 2.5 times cheaper on average, delivered to their door directly.

To Summarize

  • The world consumes over 9B tons of raw materials per year. That’s over $4.5 trillion-worth of trade;
  • Most commodities are produced by small businesses, and their price inflates x 10 by the time you or I can purchase them, without much value being added;
  • The shipping costs for commodities amounts to a negligible fraction of their value: between 1 and 2 cents per ton per day;
  • You could save between 40 to 60% on average by buying online through BLK;
  • You could be selling directly to thousands of new customers, with higher profit margins, supporting local communities and reducing their overall carbon footprint.

Key Reasons to Buy/Sell on BLK

  • Automated purchase order generation, invoicing and integrated accountingsaving you over 1000 man-hours per year;
  • Find, benchmark and buy securely from a pool of vetted suppliers, saving between 40 to 60% on average on your procurement costs;
  • 100% money-back guarantee;
  • Secure: pre-vetted suppliers only;
  • Find new customers and sell directly, without intermediaries, with improved margins;
  • Quality, Cost, Service Delivery. Pick suppliers on the basis of what really matters to you;
  • Reduce your carbon footprint and earn with carbon trading;
  • It’s 100% free.

Contact us to find out more!

BLK Shipping Weekly 18 June 21 – Shipping Market Rates Updates

Welcome to BLK Shipping Weekly, our Friday’s update from the shipping market. In this issue, we’ll be covering:

  • Wet Cargo
  • Dry Cargo
  • Containers
  • Gas

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with our Shipping Weekly and follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to never miss an update.

Wet Cargo

Charter rates down, on all most vessel types, with the rare exceptions of Aframaxeson UKC. Good news for cargo owners, especially for unrefined products, which saw rates slumping by up to up to 61% WoW.

Tanker Cargo Rates

VLCC – It was a bloodbath for VLCCs this week, with some routes commanding negative charter rates. Very good news for shippers, especially those looking at cross-Atlantic routes. List of uncharted vessels remain high, with supply overpowering demand. Owners are now starting to turn down cargoes, in a bid to drive charter rates back up. Avg. VLCCs rate at $1300, significantly below OPEX costs. If you can, ship now. Outlook: Negative

Suezmax – rates still suffering from the oversupply of tonnage in the market. Ships coming out of charters increasing the supply of tonnage and driving rates down. Down on all major routes from 5 to 21% and rates now surpassing those of VLCCs, at $1900 on average. Outlook: Negative

Aframax – afra rates saw drops between 11 and 12%, on some routes, with demand for hold space still counterbalanced by relatively large supply of tonnage. Busier in the Med and Black Sea but not enough to counterbalance the availability of carrying capacity. Avg. charter rates set at $4900/day. Outlook: Stable

Tanker Charter Rates

Dirty Products – softer rates, primarily driven by the low availability of tonnage in the Mediterraneand and Baltic, with rates down between 3% and 40% WoW Outlook: Stable.

Clean Products – weak to stable rates, owing to the fact that most world refineries are still operating under capacity due to the low demand for refined fuels. With airlines still down and road traffic at a fraction of the pre-pandemic levels the market remains far from its best shape, however, some routes saw near 600% increase which makes the general outlook look better for the weeks to come. Outlook: Positive 

Product Tanker Cargo Rates

MR – uptake in demand drove rates up, with a positive outlook for the weeks ahead. Outlook: Positive

LR1 demand for log-range tankers remains low. Slow pick-up is possible depending on the easing of lockdowns and demand for refined products on each side of the Atlantic. Outlook: Stable

LR2 In general, the market remains down between 12% and 22%. Outlook: Negative

Handy Slow pick-up is possible subject to the easing of lockdowns and demand for refined products on each side of the Atlantic. LR and MR tanker rates, however, are now below those of Handy tankers, meaning that charterers will likely shift to larger vessel sizes, wherever possible. Therefore, we should expect a further drop in Handy rates. Outlook: Negative

Dirty Panamax – Rates softened everywhere, among fears of a new COVID wave due to the delta variant. Outlook: Stable

Product Tanker Charter Rates

Dry Cargo

Bulk Carrier Cargo Rates

Capesize – Relatively slow uptake in rate growth, with spot demand weakened slightly in western regions due to summer holidays approaching. Outlook: Stable

Panamax  – stable demand does not lead to expect a growth in rates going forward. Tendency to slightly weaken counterbalanced by the hold availability shortage. Outlook: Stable

Supramax – rates climbing steadily over the course of 2021 and stabilised in May with no real surge expected. Outlook: Stable

Handysize – rates remained pretty much stable without much movement from the previous weeks.. Outlook: Stable

Bulk Carrier Charter Rates


Container rates continue with their strong rally on all fronts, although the curve seems to be flattening a little bit. Demand looks strong and will continue to be as western economies get out of lockdowns and people shop around for finished goods, using up the savings gathered during the pandemic.

Container Vessels Cargo Rates

On the raw materials side, however, and especially in chemical commodities, the high freight rates (now looking upwards of $10000 per TEU on the route China – Europe) now impact prices of goods to the extent that it is equivalent or cheaper to source from European suppliers.

We expect to see a continual decrease in smaller-batches shipments westbound from Asia to Europe, hopefully accompanied by a subsequent easing of the TEU rates towards the end of the year.

Outlook: Positive

Container Vessels Charter Rates


Rates for Large Gas Carriers slumped up to 39% for large gas carriers. Cargo cancellations were the primary causes, resulting in oversupply of carrying capacity in all main routes. Pressurized and semi-pressurized vessel rates remained unchanged.

Gas Carriers Cargo Rates

As plenty of tonnage is currently tied-up in dock for ballast water treatment systems installation, we are to expect a further softening of the rates next month, as the ships come back into the market.
Outlook: Negative

Gas Carriers Carter Rates

To learn more about how we can support your business shipping as cheaply and environmentally-friendly as possible, visit us at BLK.

Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with our weekly shipping updates.