4 Valuable Benefits of Bulk Purchase of Construction Materials – What to Know

Purchasing the required materials in construction is constant and necessary. You have the option to either buy items consistently or do so one time by bulk. 

Buying materials in bulk come with some perks. Bulk purchase of construction materials can be all the more beneficial to contractors with multiple ongoing projects having the same product requirements. As long as you have a viable plan and strategy set in place, a high-volume purchase can do your business good than harm.

At this juncture, you might be wondering: How can a bulk purchase of construction materials be advantageous for your business? Keep on reading to find out.

1. Cost-saving

There are many expenses involved in construction, and the required materials alone can be quite costly. Consider as well the other expenses that come with the material purchase, such as the shipping and disposal costs. The more you purchase regularly, the more you’ll have to shell out money. As a business, you’ll do what it takes to save up—and bulk purchase is such a viable solution. By buying in bulk, you can actually get discounts and reduce costs on other miscellaneous expenses, such as delivery expenses.

2. Increased productivity

There’s definitely downtime when materials aren’t readily available for construction. In some instances, you would run out of resources and would have to request for materials to be brought at the construction site. The waiting time can impact productive hours significantly. On the other hand, a bulk purchase can ensure that you have enough materials for construction. As long as they are safely stored, then your workers can quickly have access to the materials and readily use them for construction.

3. Material consistency

There’s a considerable difference between materials bought from various suppliers and bulk purchase of materials coming from only one source. The first option can lead to inconsistent materials in terms of quality, volume, and even application. On the other hand, a bulk purchase can ensure the consistency of your materials, which can impact your construction positively. When it comes to the construction business, consistency is key. 

4. Timely job completion

In construction, there’s typically a specific timeline to follow, and a completion date is usually set. The least you would want to happen is to have delays in the entire construction process. As mentioned above, downtime is a possibility with a lack of resources and materials. When this often occurs, then the job completion may be delayed or extended. When you resort to bulk purchase, you can ensure the availability of materials. As a result, you can expect your workers to deliver on time.

When contractors deliberately plan and decide on the schedule, volume, and all other concerns associated with the material purchase, then buying in bulk can be extremely beneficial for your business. 

As explained above, a bulk purchase can lead to cost-saving, productivity, material consistency, and efficiency. With these valuable benefits, your company gains time, saves money, and sets your business apart from the competition.

If you’re looking for building materials supplier in the UK, get in touch with us today! We’re happy to help.

5 Characteristics of a Good Building Materials Supplier – Our Guide

When it comes to finding a good building materials supplier, there are a few signals you should be looking out for. These indications will make it easier for you to determine if the one you’re working with is the right one for the job. In this article, we’ll go over those signs so that you may more easily spot them and make the best choice the first time. Let’s get started!

The importance of working with a good supplier

Before we discuss the identifying characteristics of a good building materials supplier, let’s go over why it’s so important to work with a supplier you can rely on. Basically, it boils down to three main points:

1. A good supplier will help you save money. By working with a high-quality supplier, you can lessen the risk of having to redo a project due to faulty materials. This professional’s help can also lead you to better-priced deals that can help lower overall costs.

2. A good supplier will help you avoid delays. Working with a supplier that isn’t as experienced or lacks certain expertise can mean that your construction project might have to be postponed. This can wreak havoc any schedules and plans that have already been set.

3. A good supplier can help guarantee that your reputation stays intact. Perhaps most importantly, a supplier you can trust can mean the difference between a failed project and a successful one. Your clients will be much happier if you can deliver on your promises. One of the ways to ensure that is by sourcing your materials from someone you can depend on.

What a good building materials supplier looks like

The next question to ask is: How do you tell a good supplier from a bad one? Well, there are some sure signs that you should look out for.

1. They openly communicate and are easy to reach. A good supplier should be easy to talk to. That means they’re able to respond to your questions within a reasonable amount of time. Reliable suppliers also don’t go missing without any warning.

2. They are prepared to address all your concerns. Real professionals should have a wealth of experience and knowledge to apply when they encounter the technical specifications that are required for your construction project. If your supplier doesn’t sound confident in what they say and can’t provide the expertise to back it up, then you might want to consider working with someone else.

3. Their materials arrive on time and in good condition. When working with a good supplier, the last thing you should have to worry about is whether or not your building materials will arrive at the agreed time and in the best possible condition. They should also be able to immediately inform you of any unexpected problems that might be of concern.

4. They are considerate and reasonable. If your supplier is too pushy or aggressive and refuses to compromise on any subject, this might be a sign that they are more concerned about their interests than yours. There’s no doubt about it—this is a red flag that should tell you to take your business elsewhere.

5. They have all the right equipment. Finally, a good way to tell if your supplier is one you can rely on is to find out if they have all the necessary tools required to complete the job.

Keep these points in mind the next time you go looking for a building materials supplier to work with. Remember—there’s plenty on the line for you and your business. Although it may take more time and effort, making sure you choose a supplier that you can trust will be worth it!

If you’re looking for a good building materials supplier in the UK, get in touch with us today to see how we can help.

Tips for Finding the Right Metal Suppliers for Your Construction Project – Our Guide

Whether you’re installing a roof for your new home or giving your existing one a makeover, knowing the right materials to choose for your construction project is crucial. While there are many options available in the market, metal roofs remain to be one of the most popular choices due to its sustainability, durability, and minimal maintenance. 

Consequently, finding the right metal supplier is critical to your operation. However, forming a trusted relationship with the right supplier can be a tricky prospect. For instance, it can be challenging to find a quality metal set at a reasonable price tag. With the right research, you can see the bigger picture and have an idea of what to expect.

To that end, our tips below should help you narrow down your search and find a supplier for your project.

Tip #1: Know Your Project

Whether you’re looking to install metal roofing, build sliders, jewellery, or more,  it’s crucial to know what kind of metal you need for the project. This will help you identify the supplier that best aligns with your blueprint, allowing you to conduct consistent transactions. 

Tip #2: Determine Your Price Point

Your metal suppliers are critical to your project, as the raw materials you acquire from them will be your source of revenue. With that in mind, the price that you pay to purchase the set of metal from a prospective supplier impacts your bottom line. For that reason, it’s crucial to agree on a price point with your supplier that will enable you to hit your goals for the project. 

Tip #3: Ensure Reliable Customer Service

Problems can arise when your supplier is hard to contact for any pressing questions you may have throughout your transaction. To that end, be sure to choose a supplier with impeccable customer service to ensure that your needs for raw materials are addressed promptly. 

Tip #4: Choose a Partner That Knows Your Project

The price point isn’t the only aspect that can make or mar your decision. Another crucial factor is a keen understanding of your product or project, which is necessary for gathering any more information you may need in the process.

This means that a metal supplier that has a solid command over their raw materials will have confidence in the quality and performance of their merchandise. Not only will this help you with any clarifications you may require in the future, but when working with a supplier, knowing the ropes of your metals can also provide peace of mind. 

Those looking for large quantities of stainless steel for wholesale prices, for instance, need to look for suppliers that understand the material, size, and quality of products they need.

Tip #4: Search the Web

The worldwide web is a vast digital landscape that houses thousands of businesses, including suppliers of every type, scale, and variety. You can easily find a list of potential prospects by looking them up on your local search engine, though adding a zip code to your search will help you identify a shortlist of local suppliers promptly. 

In Conclusion

When starting a construction project that involves metal, it’s essential to choose the right type and quality of your raw materials by finding the right metal supplier. Partnering with a reliable supplier may be challenging as the manufacturing industry skyrockets every year, but the guide above should help you narrow down your choices and lead you to good deals near for your project. 

If you’re looking for a metal supplier in the UK to purchase a wide range of products from, get in touch or take a look at our selection today!

A Quick Guide to Clinkers – What to Know

Clinkers are often regarded as a staple in the construction industry. They play an integral role in ensuring that every structure that is built with cement is compositionally sound. That said, clinkers are vital for building dependable and long-lasting structures. 

To better understand what a clinker actually is and why it’s so important in the first place, let’s go everything you need to know about it:

What is clinker?

Clinker is a type of nodular material that is produced throughout the kilning stage during the cement production process. It is used as a binder in most, if not all, cement products. 

Generally, the lumps or nodules of clinker are visually similar to that of pebbles, with the exception that they fall anywhere between three to 25 millimetres in diameter and are dark grey in colour. The binding material is produced by heating both limestone and clay up to the point of liquefaction (which is anywhere between 1400°C and 1500°C) in a rotary kiln. When it is added to gypsum to control the setting properties of cement and reinforce compressive strength and ground finely, clinker produces a higher-grade cement. 

When it comes to storage, clinker can be housed in dry conditions for extended periods of time without posing any risk to its quality. Thanks to the ease of storage, the integrity of material quality, and the wide range of benefits that clinker has, it is traded all over the world and utilized by cement manufacturers when their raw material supplies are scarce. 

What is a clinker composed of?

Inspecting the composition of clinker can be done in one of two different approaches, namely: mineralogical analysis through the use of petrographic microscopy or x-ray diffraction analysis through chemical analysis. The latter option, more often than not, is chosen because of its ability to accurately determine the composition of clinker, mainly through x-ray fluorescence spectrometry. 

A clinker is comprised of four main components, namely:

  1. Alite: approximately tricalcium silicate (typically about 65 per cent of the total)
  2. Belite: approximately dicalcium silicate (typically about 15 per cent of the total)
  3. Aluminate: approximately tricalcium aluminate (typically about seven per cent of the total)
  4. Ferrite: approximately tetracalcium aluminoferrite (typically about eight per cent of the total)

The various types of clinker

Clinker comes in various types that are suited for a wide array of purposes and can be easily dichotomized according to its material composition. Each type of clinker also varies depending on what type of cement it is produced for as a means to adhere to specific tendencies or properties that are within the cement itself. Here are a few common types of clinker:

  • Sulfate-resistant clinker: This type of clinker contains 76 per cent alite, 5 per cent belite, two per cent tricalcium aluminate, 16 per cent tetracalcium aluminoferrite, and one per cent free calcium oxide. It is worth noting, however, that its production has taken a downturn in recent years, so it may be quite scarce.
  • Low-heat clinker: On the other hand, low-heat clinker contains 29 per cent, 54 per cent, two per cent tricalcium aluminate and 15 percent tetracalcium aluminoferrite. Just like sulfate-resistant clinker, low-heat clinker is scarce because it is no longer produced as a result of modern alternatives. 
  • White clinker: White clinker contains 76 per cent alite, 15 per cent belite, seven per cent tricalcium aluminate, no tetracalcium aluminoferrite, and two per cent free lime—but this composition can also vary widely. This particular type of clinker gets its namesake from the fact that it produces white cement, which is essentially used for aesthetic purposes. 

Final words

Clinker has been proven to play an essential part in upholding the structural integrity of any structure that is composed of or partly uses concrete. 

If you want to reinforce your structures with high-quality examples of clinker, get in touch with BLK Commodities today to see how we can help!

3 Essential Tips for Choosing the Right Coffee Supplier – Our Guide

Are you planning to open a restaurant or a coffee shop? Or do you already have an existing one, and you are thinking of changing your coffee supplier? Offering the right kind of coffee to your customers is extremely important in keeping your business afloat. So what can you do to make sure you stand out from your competitors? Choose the right coffee supplier who can deliver the utmost results and help you materialize your business goals.

In a coffee shop business, not only would you want to have the best coffee, you would want a coffee supplier who is reliable and exceeds your expectations as well. They may have the best quality coffee, but if they can’t deliver on time, it could be pretty useless working with them.

When choosing the right coffee supplier for your needs, there are so many things you need to consider. Determining the perfect choice who can deliver as they promised is highly essential. Here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing the right coffee supplier for your business:

Know your coffee requirements

With so many coffee suppliers in the market, finding a good source can be challenging. You would want a coffee supplier that you can build a lasting relationship with. Knowing what you need and want in your coffee is important. 

Most coffee roasters will have a huge list of coffee blends and single origins, which are normally roasted differently. Being able to work hand-in-hand with a coffee supplier who understands your needs and gets your cupped profile that fits your customer’s requirements is one important factor. A good coffee roasted can give you a comprehensive recommendation on what to look for in a coffee blend. They will also work with you until you achieved your goals and hit the mark.

Ask for samples from potential suppliers

A good coffee supplier who takes pride in their products will not hesitate to offer samples. The true nature of a good-quality coffee can only be determined from the cup it produces. Judging a coffee based on their logos, prices, and brands is not a great way to choose a coffee supplier. It is only through sampling that you will be able to achieve the requirements you are looking for in a coffee. 

Never hesitate to ask for samples from various suppliers. Truth be told, most of the coffee suppliers will even invite you to their warehouse to let you sample their various blends and experience first-hand how their roasting facilities work. Some suppliers will send packages for you to try.

Go for local

While it may not always be feasible, going local can be the most practical course of action when choosing the right coffee supplier for your business. Look at it from a long-term perspective of building a lasting business relationship. Choosing a local supplier gives you more convenience when you need to visit them for supplies or other inquiries and vice versa. 

If you have a supplier that is out of town or out of the country, it won’t be that convenient. Most customers are also more happy in supporting local and giving back to the community. This can be a good selling point to your potential customers since they are becoming more increasingly aware and interested in knowing where the products they consume come from.

The process of choosing the right coffee supplier can be crucial in determining the success or failure of your business. Careful planning is necessary, along with the tips mentioned above. 

If you’re looking for a commodities marketplace to purchase a wide range of products, get in touch or take a look at our selection today!

5 Vital Considerations When Looking for a Raw Material Supplier – What to Know

Looking for a supplier of raw materials for your business can be quite a tricky process. The chances are that you’d consider pricing as the top factor during your selection. The lower the cost is, the more likely you’ll seal a contract with a particular supplier. The price, however, is not the only aspect that matters. Keep in mind that the success of your business can be determined as well by your working relationship with your supplier, the quality of the produced products, and its research and innovation implemented in the industry.

That said, below are five essential factors to consider when choosing a raw material supplier. Keep on reading to find out more.

1. High-quality products

Nothing beats a supplier that provides high-quality products. So, during your selection process, it’s best to opt for a company with a proven and tested capability to deliver superior raw goods or items. Superior products are typically the result yielded by a manufacturing process that works with a sound system of Research and Development (R&D) support, regulatory compliance, and a robust IP and patent portfolio.

2. Trusted industry expert

When dealing with a supplier, it’s best to work with a company that’s trusted in the industry. Know that a highly reputable supplier is one that has superior knowledge and expertise in the field. They continuously work on improving their products based on insights on the ingredient’s mechanism, health benefits, and formulation considerations. They aspire to make impactful marketing claims and ensure and prove the quality of materials and products being supplied to the market.

3. Leader in research

When confronted with two competing suppliers, will you go for a company with lower pricing or one that has a substantial body of evidence confirming their benefits? Know that the latter is a more credible choice. A supplier that conducts research to justify the quality of products they produce is a company that you can surely depend on. In fact, research should be a constant pursuit considered an integral part of the supplier’s business process and operation.

4. Constant innovation

Along with research is constant innovation. Opt for a supplier that continuously wants to improve their products or supplies and go for a manufacturer that creates products that stand out on crowded shelves. This means you should select a company that offers a new delivery format or gives in to the market demand. In the end, a supplier that works to evolve their brand can provide the best solution and a variety of product options for the good of the market. 

5. Collaboration and support

Collaboration and support are an essential part of your relationship with a supplier. It’s best to deal with a supplier that can interact and work well with you and your staff. In cases of unlikely circumstances, they can provide alternative solutions. It doesn’t only limit their relationship with you by just providing your business with raw supplies, but they give your business the utmost support that you need.

Final words

Choosing the right supplier for your raw materials can be crucial to the success of your business. Initially, your consumers expect you to deliver high-quality products as promised. The raw products sourced out to you can be instrumental to the quality of outputs or products you’re going to produce and sell out to the target market. Consider the five essential factors mentioned above when hiring a reputable company that will supply your business with reliable raw materials. 

If you’re looking for a raw materials supplier in the UK to purchase a wide range of products from, get in touch or take a look at our selection today!

Uses and Benefits of Coconut Oil – What to Know

In recent years, coconut oil has grown in popularity all over the world, and it has often been classified as a “superfood.” Even the medical community has once shunned coconut oil due to its saturated fat content. With claims of the many benefits coconut oil has, however, from weight loss to aid in the slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease, coconut oil is undoubtedly here to stay, and for good reasons.

Various food manufacturers have started to incorporate coconut oil in their products, ranging from sweets, fried foods, coffee, and smoothies, among many others. Even retailers are now beginning to use coconut oil in packaged products, such as in shampoos or in beauty products. Although nutritionists may not completely agree, a survey showed that about 72% of Americans believed that coconut oil offers more benefits than harm.

In this article, we will share with you several uses and benefits of coconut oil. Keep on reading to find out more.

1. For cooking – there are many ways you can use coconut oil at home – in beauty recipes or for a healthy snack.

  • Baking recipes – as a dairy-free alternative to butter
  • Smoothies
  • Coconut macarons
  • Coffee creamer alternative
  • Coconut-based granola recipes

2. For beauty – skin, hair, and face

  • Hair conditioner
  • Hair mask
  • Facial wash
  • Make-up remover
  • Lip scrub or lip balm
  • Hydration for the face, hands, and skin
  • Massage oil
  • Deodorant

The ways you can use coconut oil are endless. You can even use it to make a DIY soap for laundry or even to wash your pets.

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Despite the arguments and controversy, coconut oil has many benefits that include but are not limited to:

1.  It relieves eczema and skin irritation

Applying coconut oil can greatly reduce the severity of eczema in children by about 30% as compared to mineral oils. Studies also showed that it can improve dermatitis and other skin-related conditions the same way moisturizers and mineral oils do.

2. It improves dental health

Coconut oil can be used as a powerful weapon against bacteria in the mouth, such as Streptococcus mutans. This is the type of bacteria in the mouth that is responsible for tooth decay, gum disease, and dental plaque. One study confirmed that oil pulling, or swishing with coconut oil for about ten minutes, reduces the risk of developing oral problems as effectively as rinsing with the conventional antiseptic mouthwash. Another study also showed that when oil pulling is done daily, it reduced inflammation and plaque in teens with gingivitis.

3. It boosts bone health

Coconut oil has been shown to increase bone density by neutralizing free radicals that damage the cells in the bone. Animal research on rats showed that the antioxidants found in virgin coconut oil protects and enhances bone health. The rats that received eight per cent of their calories from virgin coconut oil had significantly improved bone structure and bone volume.

While many studies are supporting the benefits of coconut oil, most of these are still inconclusive, small, and lab- or animal-based studies. When in doubt, remember to consume coconut oil in moderation and consult the experts.

If you’re looking for a commodities marketplace to purchase a wide range of products, get in touch or take a look at our selection today!